The Driver's Test (Ace x Reader)

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         The first thought that runs through your head is that he's a puppy. A puppy with large eyes, an excitable nature, and a face full of freckles. The comparison is so strong that you can almost imagine a tail wagging right behind him. When he grips your hand and gives a firm few hand shakes, you're shocked. Most of the kids you test avoid eye contact and shuffle back and forth. They'll usually apologize for nothing and start blathering about how they follow the news sometimes. This boy, as confusing as he is, just continues to smile as he hops into the driver's seat. You move to the other side of the car and enter the passenger's side watching him the entire time. Once the two of you are buckled and ready, you watch the boy grab the wheel with both hands.

         "Alright, what do I start with?"

         "Start the car," you begin, and the boy obeys the order. Still enthusiastic, he tilts his head and glances at you.

         "What now, Ma'am? Where am I going?"

         "Drive to the main road, and you'll take a right." You look over the clipboard as the boy, Portgas D. Ace, follows your instructions. According to his driving information he's rather... Average. "You did poorly in Driver's Education," you note, glancing at Ace to gauge his expression. He remains bubbly, and nods along with your statement.

         "Right above the failing line," he smiles, flicking on the directional. "I suck at written tests... I got seven questions wrong on the other test." So he was one question away from failing the DMV's written test...

         "I see," you frown as you silently tighten your seat belt. You glance at the speedometer, then back at the road. Ace turns without too much trouble, and the signal no longer blinks. You have to admit, the kid checks his mirrors pretty often... And he's maintaining a perfect speed.

         "You know, I've always had trouble with tests," he begins, trying is best to end the silence in the car. "I've always hated them... I'm more of a hands-on kind of guy. How about you?" You don't answer, choosing to focus on the task of judging him. Ace remains unfazed by the silence and decides to talk about something else. "I couldn't help but notice your pin." This time you stop and glance down at your blouse. The Purple Heart. As Ace pulls up to a stop sign, he looks back and forth to check for any cars. "What war did you serve in, Ma'am?"

         "Marineford," you answer as you read through your list. "Go straight through here, then take the next left."

         "Alright!" Ace continues to chatter on about the other wars, but you block him out. Your eyes land on the pin, then to the side-view mirror. Your gaze makes you turn away and focus on the road. Your glass eye makes anyone, including yourself, sick and uncomfortable. "My Gramps is in the army. Went on a few tours, and my Dad was a soldier too."

         "Did he see any battles?" You find yourself asking before you can stop yourself. How else would this kid be able to identify your pin with such ease? And, you find yourself wondering, how is he so chipper while you're right next to him? The boy falters for a moment before nodding slowly.

         "Yeah... He, uh... He lost his life. Was taken in as a prisoner of war." A silence follows after that, and you can see he's trying to remain confident about his test. The urge to apologize arises, but you can't find the proper words to say. Ace is a nice kid, and really you don't want to hurt him. The DMV isn't too far away now, and the test is almost over. Ace pulls into the parking lot and parks, letting out a small breath. He then nods with a grin, "I told you I was more of a hands on person!" You have to admit, he's one of the best drivers you've had in a while. You nod and get out of the car, watching as he turns it off.

         "Ace? Ace how'd you do?" A woman with nice hair and the same freckles asks as she approaches. Must be his mother... Ace answers then turns to you with a grin.

         "So how'd I do?"

         "Passed with flying colors," you answer as you hand him the test sheet. Ace cheers and jumps before putting his hand out.

         "Thank you, Ma'am, for driving with me." You find that a small smile grows on your face as you take the boy's hand.

         "It was a pleasure." 

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