Marines and Pirates (Shanks x Reader)

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This one may get a part two, but I make no promises. 

         The first time you met the bastard, you were nothing more than a simple Petty Officer serving under Garp. Red-Hair had come within your line of sight, and had the gall to wink at you and wave.

         "G-Garp, Sir!" you called, earning your superior's attention. He was quick to reach your side and was quicker at spotting the pirate that sailed within range of your ship.

         "Red-Haired Shanks," Garp had growled, confirming your suspicions of who winked at you.

         "I must be the luckiest man on Earth!' he said with a grin, effectively earning your confused gaze. "Since I've been blessed with an angel." His pick-up line not only reduced you into a blushing mess, but it was also heard by everyone else on the deck at the time... The comment made Garp laugh, which had given Shanks the opportunity to escape (but not before he blew a kiss in your direction).

         "(L\N)," Garp grinned, which had sent a chill down your spine. "You're gonna have one hell of a time." That sentence alone filled you with dread; there's no way he could be right... Right?


         "Congrats on the promotion, Lieutenant Commander (L\N)!"

         "Ah? Thank you," you mutter as you flip through various forms. God, who knew higher ranks meant more paper pushing? Wait a moment... Your fingers freeze as you stare down at the words printed on the form... Something here isn't right. Who the hell is in your office? Your head snaps up, only to find yourself nose to nose with an infamous red haired Captain. You're quick to stand, knocking over your chair in the process. "Red-Haired Sha-"

         "Ah ah!" The man laughs as one hand rests on your mouth, while the other grabs your wrists. "No need to cause a commotion, right? Plenty of people have work to do!" You say something against his hand, yet your words are muffled. "Come on, all I wanted to do was speak with a pretty lady!" he whines, tilting his head. This brings a dark blush to your face, which makes the Captain grin victoriously. "So, promise you won't do anything?"


         "I'll take that as a yes!" he chirps as he removes his hand from your face. The moment you're free from his grasp you inhale, which makes him raise a brow.

         "Red-Haired Shanks is in the building! Do not let him escape!" Shanks cringes at your volume before drawing away and hopping over to the open window... So that's how he got in.

         "Man, I was hoping to chat a bit," he huffs, and in the distance you can hear footsteps running towards your office.

         "If you think you're escaping, you're dead wrong!" The door busts open, revealing Garp, as well as a few recruits he's been training.

         "(Y\N)!" Garp shouts as he lunges at the dangerous pirate in your window. You watch in shock as Shanks dodges the hit, and appears before you.

         "I forgot to tell you the last time, but you have a nice ass!" With that (and a slap to your rear) Shanks grins and escapes through the window.

         "Damn him!" Garp spits as he runs to the window, scowling as he watches Shanks escape. You can't bring yourself to take your hands from your red face... God, did that bastard really need to say that in front of your comrades?

         "Looks like he's getting away," Garp huffs as he closes the window. The older marine is silent for a minute before he scratches his head under his hat. "Men."

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