* Robin x Reader

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         Fingers trailing down your sides slowly paired with the faint scent of peonies surrounding you. Her hands roam everywhere, laying claim to every inch of your body. Each touch marking you as hers; each squeeze and caress meant just to pluck the sound of her name on your lips. 

         "My darling," she whispers by your ear, raising goosebumps along your flesh. More hands appear and keep you from squirming. Her soft and delicate lips trail lower and lower until her stunning, teal eyes peer up at you from between your legs. The warmth only increases tenfold as you feel your lover's breath against your thighs. "Tell me what you want, (Y\N)..."

         "God," you sigh, sending her a smile. "I just want you." Robin chuckles and slides her hands up, making you arch into her touch. 

         "You want me?"

         "More than anything," you whisper, watching the way your lover pushes her hair from her face and spreads your legs more. 

         "Then you'll have me," she swears, "But first I'd like to watch you come undone... Calling my name over and over with that cute voice of yours." A deep blush works its way onto your cheeks, making the older woman lick her lips and press a finger to your clit. "And once you've finished... I'll make sure you lose your voice."

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