All I Loved, I Loved Alone (Akainu x Reader)

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         It's cold. The steel around your wrists digs in leaving bruises and welts, your arms chained above your head. You keep your eyes down, trying to avoid looking at the man in front of you. He sits with his arms crossed; his eyes watch every movement you make. Why had he insisted to guard you himself? The men under his command would have been plenty fine! He's taken your legs, so it's not like you can go anywhere!

         "You're doing it." It's the first words he's spoken since he waved off your original guards. You look up at last, and take in the details of his face. He's still as sharp and rough as you remember, both in looks and personality. "You're thinking of a way to escape."

         "What would be the point?" you ask him quietly. "I can't walk out of here. I can't move with my arms chained above my head. You of all people know I never learned haki." You become quiet again, and you try to keep your fingers from fidgeting. He knows your tells too much.

         "Then what the hell are you planning?"

         "Nothing," you sigh, looking up at the ceiling. "I know I can't escape you."

         "You can't." And like that the conversation is dropped, and you can't help but remember the old days. The days when you weren't running from the law. When you paced the room all day looking for anything and everything to keep you sane. "If you're not planning to escape, then what the hell are you doing?" Damn, you were fidgeting again.

         "Thinking. Is that illegal now?"

         "Thinking of what, (Y\N)?" At this you meet his gaze, making him narrow his eyes.

         "You never removed your ring, Sakazuki." His left hand tightens into a fist, and he glances down at his hand with a growl. While yes, he's wearing gloves, you can see where the ring is.

         "What about it?"

         "I would've thought you'd destroy it in a fit of rage," you answer honestly. "You were never one to keep calm when things didn't go your way." You can see the smoke coming from the man, the one you once reluctantly called your husband. "So why did you keep it? Surely you swore to kill me once you found me missing."

         "I did." You watch him for a moment before closing your eyes.

         "I'll be executed."

         "Of course you will."

         "How soon?"

         "Within the week." Your chest tightens at the thought as you think of everything you're leaving behind. Your lover. Your friends and crew. Your daughter... The girl who shares many similarities with a monster... When you open your eyes, you can see the features she inherited from him.

         "Very well." A silence settles between the two of you, that is until he shifts and growls under his breath.


         "Why what?"

         "Why did you leave?"

         "You know damn well why I left," you mumble quietly. "To escape you." Akainu stands and towers over you, reminding you of just how suffocating his presence can be.

         "I was giving you everything you needed to survive."

         "You gave me no choice," you whisper. "You killed them all..." When you close your eyes you see the fire that consumed the ship you were raises on. You see the burning bodies of your parents, both notorious pirates, but both of whom you loved dearly. You see a man, this man, pulling you from the wreckage, and then you see a wedding dress. Enrollment in the marines came with the forced marriage to a man nearly three times your age at the time... And soon the discovery of your pregnancy.

         "I gave you a home and I gave you love."

         "You kept me in a prison."

         "You would have grown to like it," he growls, and you can see he's even more upset. The first time he struck you flashes before your eyes, and you flinch when you see him move. "You would have grown to love me."

         "I could never..." you whisper, hair falling in your face. Akainu turns and waves in new guards before leaving. Before stepping out fully, his hands clench into fists.

         "Your execution will be at my hands, as soon as possible." With that he leaves, and you're stuck in your own thoughts through the night. 

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