A Widow's Lament in Springtime (Whitebeard x Wife!Reader)

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I give up


         Cherry blossoms and a gentle breeze. A little, familiar town as the bottom of the hill and two sake glasses to your left. You pour two drinks before picking up your cup with a soft sigh.

         "Our boys have gotten themselves into trouble," you murmur quietly. In the distance you can see one of your many sons tending to the wounds of a young girl. "They came home unscathed, but they were so downtrodden..." You allow the alcohol to pass by your lips, and you flinch slightly. You were never a drinker. "I was so worried when they came home... There was so much blood..." Your eyes close at the thought and you're quick to shake your head. No thoughts like that... Not anymore.

         "Someone claims to be your lover, you know," you chuckle softly. "She's deemed me a liar and a witch, and your "son" wants my head... They also want to find our children... They don't seem to believe they have any right to call you their father..." You glance at the newspaper detailing the most recent actions of the newest Warlord. "He wants your treasure, but he wouldn't accept the truth... There's no way someone like that would understand." You lean your head back and watch the soft petals moving with the breeze.

         "I remember, you know... When you proposed..." A mournful smile makes it's way onto your face. "For a big and strong man, you were truly frightened of me... Of my rejection..." You twirl the ring around your finger and laugh. "But how could I ever reject you, Darling?"

         "Mom," a voice asks, making you look over. Marco leans against the tree and fixes his glasses, which makes you smile softly.

         "Marco..." He takes a seat and watches as you pull another glass from the basket and pour him a drink. "You know... Spring is the most difficult..."

         "He loved it," Marco chuckles quietly, accepting the glass with a nod. "Whenever we were on a spring island, he wouldn't listen to reason. He'd just demand to get off the ship... And don't get me started on if he saw cherry blossom trees like this one." You can't help but laugh at the thought of your boys trying to restrain him, only to fail.

         "They were his favorite..."

         "Every tree he found, he carved our names on them." The words make you freeze and tear up. "He never told us why, though..." Your tears roll down your cheeks which makes Marco give you a concerned look. "Mom, sorry, I-"

         "It's fine," you whisper, wiping at your eyes. "I just can't believe that man was actually trying to do it..."

         "Do what..? If you don't mind me asking, that is..."

         "When we first found out I... That I couldn't have a child of my own... I was heartbroken. I couldn't give him the family he wanted... But he assured me it was okay. That... That for every child we had, he'd take a cherry tree until we had rolling fields of them... And a large, loving family." Marco smiles at the story and takes a sip of his drink.

         "He was a sappy old fart, wasn't he."

         "The sappiest." The two of you share a laugh and trade stories until the sun goes down and the stars come out. Marco stands and offers you a hand, which you take.

         "Come on, Mom. Don't want you getting hurt now, would we?"

         "Don't treat me like a child" you huff, but you smile regardless. You turn and take on look at the cherry blossom tree. It's massive like your husband was, and it's just as beautiful as the heart he had. Marco looks back at it and sighs.

         "He loved you until the end... He told us, before going to Marineford, that if anything were to happen that he wanted us to protect you." The tears gather yet again, but you don't stop them.

         "He loved you boys as well..." And as the two of you walk back, a smiling figure watches with a cup of sake in hand at the base of the cherry blossom tree. 

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