To Sail Away (Ichiji x Reader) AU

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I don't fucking know... Also soooooo out of character, like, unbelievably out of character that I'm sorry.


         Gentle waves and soft sand. Both meaningless in his eyes and deemed a nuisance. To her though, with her sparking (e\c) hues, they were a wonder that always made her smile. He couldn't understand it, but then again he didn't understand why she had to stop and pick every flower she thought of as pretty or stop to pet every cat.

         "Hey, Ichi?" the young girl, only a year younger than him, calls in a soft voice. The boy turns and looks at his companion, the girl he's known since they were infants, with the same flat expression he always wears. The expression she can see through. The one she claims to love.

         "What is it?"

         "Do you think, when we're older," she begins, looking back at the orange and pink horizon. "Do you think we'll be able to sail around the world?"

         "Why would we do that?"

         "To see it. To get out of this town," she laughs. "Don't you want to know what we're missing?"

         "No," he states, not turning to look at the girl. He knows. He knows that once she sees his face, she'll know exactly what he wants.

         "Oh..." After a moment of silence, he finally feels the urge to hear her voice.

         "Would you really leave?"

         "Yep!" she chirps, and his heart twists. "When I'm seventeen, I'm getting on a boat and I'm sailing far away." Her hand stretches out as if she's imagining it as a boat, and if he knows her as well as he thinks he does, that's exactly what she's picturing.

         "You could change your mind by that point."


         "That's nine years away, (Y\N)."

         "Yep, so that's plenty of time for me to make a plan," she laughs, glancing back at the red haired boy. "And, if you decide you want to join in that time, you're free to!"

         "Don't count on it," he scoffs... Sailing around the world with her, huh?



         "Your girlfriend's calling," Niji smirks, glancing over his brother's shoulder to get a look at the thirteen year old girl.

         "She's not my girlfriend," Ichiji scoffs, making his other brother perk up.

         "So she's available?" Ichiji sends Yonji a glare, which makes him hold up his hands.


         "I'm coming," he grumbles, stalking away from his siblings. They cover their laughter with coughs, which makes his eyebrow twitch. "What do you want?" The girl, used to his standoffish behavior, simply grins and grabs his arm.

         "Come take a look at what I've been building!" Without giving him an opportunity to decline, she drags him into the woods and down a path marked by her old drawings on the trees.

         "What am I wasting my time here?"

         "Because I'm your friend," she chirps before stopping at a small clearing. In the pond is a simple boat. Half of the wood is falling off, and it hardly stays up in the water. "Ta-da!"

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