Nothing Gold Can Stay (Kid x Reader)

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Someone please stop me


         Robert Frost once said, "nothing gold can stay". And, in the silent bedroom after another argument, you can't help but agree. Your lover, with his back turned to you, slouches forward and runs a hand through his fiery, red hair. Your back to him, you cradle the broken picture frame on your lap. A picture back from days when the two of you were happy. Lit up smiles and soft, tender words... Though, of course, your lover was never one to come up with anything sappy.

         "This is every night," you remind him softly, getting a grunt in reply. "At what point do we call it off?"

         "We call it off when we stop wanting more," Kid replies, not looking at you.

         "So, when we stop loving each other?" He grunts, and you remember his aversion to the word "love"... Yes, it was an argument you had several weeks prior. "Then at what point do we stop wanting more?"

         "Like hell if I know," Kid spits, digging his nails into his hand. He wants this to end just as much as you do, but he'll never be the one to break it off. Neither will you.

         "We were happy once."


         "Do you miss those times...?" You're given no answer, but when his bare chest presses against your chest, tears roll down your cheeks.

         "Do you?" He asks after a moment of silence, and you can't bring yourself to say the words. As the two of you lay back down, the last argument over who-knows-what still fresh in your minds, you an't help but think: nothing gold can stay. 

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