Walking in a Winter Wonderland (Apoo x Reader)

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This is an extremely ranty piece in the beginning, sorry! Also it's kind of a sequel to the Halloween prompt. 


         Working retail sucks. Working retail sucks even more during the holidays... Why? Well you have Helen the bitchy soccer mom yelling at you while her little brats rip apart everything in the vicinity, grouchy elderly couples who hate technology and hate you for trying to help them use it, and every year people fucking love to quit right before Black Friday. But that's not even the worst part. The single thing that makes retail work utter hell is the music. The fucking music.

         Of course no one in the music industry is unique during this time of year. Instead remixes upon remixes of the same old tunes are thrown out into the world to add to the chaos and hell. But there is one fucking song... Just one... That fills you with such a rage. That song, of course, is Winter Wonderland. At the beginning of the month you didn't mind, but after countless renditions of the song you've lost it. The current record is 27 plays of it in a single four hour shift. And to top it all off? You're only midway through December.

         With a quiet sigh you dig through your pockets to find the keys to your apartment. Luckily your boyfriend was home tonight, and promised to make dinner. The thought alone brings a smile to your lips. When he's not being a little shit, Apoo can be such a sweetheart. As the door swings open to your apartment, however, you're filled with absolute dread.

         "To face unafraid..."

         "No, no, no, no, no, no," you whisper. You had specifically made sure NOT to tell him about your dilemma! How the fuck did he find out?!

         "The plans that we've made!"

         "Fuck," you hiss as you rub your face. You love him to pieces, but Apoo is (as stated) a little shit. And if he really found out about your hatred for this particular song, you'll literally never hear the end of it.

         "Walking in a winter wonderland~" And just like that you wanna put your head through a wall... But you can't! If you act suspicious, Apoo will know immediately! That son of a bitch knows you too well. You steel yourself before putting on a tired smile and walking through the door. You spot Apoo at the stove stirring what looks like a pasta side dish, and you can smell something cooking in the oven.

         "Evening, Babe!" Apoo calls when he hears the door shut. "How was work?"

         "Chaotic," you answer with a sigh. "I wanna go get changed, okay? I'll be right out." Apoo sends you a grin from over his shoulder, which makes you smile softly. That's right; this idiot is too sweet for his own good.

         "When it snows, ain't it thrilling?" And just like that you're snapped out of your happy demeanor and quickly walk to your shared bedroom. When the door shuts behind you, you lean against it and listen. It's muffled, and you can hardly hear it. Fantastic!

         "God damn," you hiss as you run a hand through your hair. If he's on a Christmas music binge, then life is going to be absolute hell. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you walk to your dresser to pull out some yoga pants and a tank top. Once changed, you sit on the bed and lean back. Once the music fades away, you'll come back out. It's not like Apoo will really think much of you taking your time; hell he probably expects it. You hum and look to your bedside table where a picture of you, Apoo, Hawkins and Kid sits. Your first New Years party with your boyfriend and your friends... You smile and roll onto your stomach as you stare at it; maybe you should call them and make drinking plans or something. It HAS been a while, after all.

         "Babe?" Apoo asks as he peeks through the door. The music doesn't follow him, which you're thankful for. "What're you doing?"

         "Oh, sorry," you apologize as you look over. "Got distracted is all..." Apoo gives you a concerned look as he walks in and sits next to you. He rubs your back and studies you closely... Just seeing him this serious is strange.

         "(Y\N), is something wrong..?"

         "No, everything's fine," you say with a small smile. Apoo continues to stare before he turns and looks at the door. You can see the gears in his mind turning, which makes you cringe. He may be an idiot at times, but he knows you too well...

         "The music?"


         "It's the music."

         "Apoo, please," you beg, grabbing his hand. You nuzzle his cheek and hug him close. "Please stop thinking about it." Apoo smirks, which makes you give a defeated sigh. Looks like you're fucked. Apoo watches you before the smirk falls.

         "It's really bothering you, isn't it? This is nothing like the Halloween song..."

         "Just... The amount of times I've heard the same songs," you admit as you fiddle with your fingers.

         "Oh, right... Must sound like a broken record to ya, huh..? Why didn't you tell me, Babe?" Apoo looks genuinely hurt, which makes you flinch and look away.

         "I... You tend to get carried away with your teasing..." Apoo stays quiet before he leans against you.

         "I didn't mean to make you think you can't tell me things, (Y\N)," your boyfriend quietly admits as he wraps his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry..." Fuck, now you feel guilty.

        "Apoo, I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that... Come on, how about we go listen to some Christmas music and-"



         "No Christmas music."


         "Or very little music," he says as he pulls away. He gives you a wide smile and pokes your nose. "I'll go turn on one of your stations, and we'll eat and talk about our days. Deal?" You blink and smile before kissing his cheek.

         "Sounds lovely... Thank you, Apoo."

         "No problem, Babe. You matter more to me than the same old shitty tunes," he grins before picking you up. You squeak and cling to him which makes him laugh. "Your knight in shining armor will carry you, Milady!" You cover your mouth and start laughing, leaning your head against his shoulder.

         "You big dork."

         "Ah, but I'm your dork," he reminds you as he carries you back to the kitchen.

         "That you are... That you are."

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