Zoro x Reader

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            There's many things one might find wandering around in their yard. Usually you would expect it to be wildlife... You certainly wouldn't expect to see a man carrying three swords. You especially wouldn't expect to see a HANDSOME man carrying three swords.

         "Um, pardon me?" you call as you open a window. "But may I ask why you're trespassing on my property?" The green haired man stops and looks at you; he looks just as confused as you.

         "Your property?" the man stops and looks around before running a hand through his hair. "Dammit, I was trying to get to the harbor!"

         "Well, (V\N)'s harbor is close, I can help you get there..."

         "(V\N), where the hell is that?" You stop and blink before leaning back. Does... Does he not know what village he's even in? "Listen, I need to go to the harbor in this village."

         "I think you're a little confused... What village did you land in?"

         "This one!"

         "Just answer the question, you dolt," you sigh, growing irritated with the man.

         "What'd you call me?"

         "A dolt! Now what village did you land in?"

         "This one! Javra!" Your palm collides with your forehead while you sigh. How can one man be so utterly, and hopelessly lost? You're quick to grab your coat and walk out to face him... And holy shit is he huge. Your face barely reaches his pecs!

         "Come on," you grumble before grabbing his (really firm) arm and tugging him out of your yard. "I'll take you to the harbor, but it might take a bit."

         "Why's that?"

         "Because Javra is on the opposite side of the island," you huff, sending a glare over your shoulder. "Seriously, how do you wander that far?" The man blushes in embarrassment before looking to the side.

         "Shut it, woman."

         "You're a dumbass."


         "That idiot, where'd he go?" you huff and you look around the plaza. You had released your hold on is arm thinking he would follow, but when you turned around he was gone! "Dumbass?" you call quietly, now cursing yourself for not getting his name. "Dumbass, where are you?"

         "Up here." No. No fucking way. When you turn, you spot the green haired jackass standing on. The. Fucking. Roof. On the roof of some god damn business!

         "How in the hell?!"

         "And the name's Zoro! NOT Dumbass."

         "Well only a dumbass finds his way onto the fucking roof!" you hiss, hands balling by your sides. "Honestly, just how bad can you be with directions?!"


         "Are you sure?"

         "Yes I'm sure! You think I'm some sort of idiot."

         "Yes. Yes I do," you grumble as you stare at the pirate ship. "I watched you somehow get stuck in a chimney." Zoro blushes at the memory and quickly turns his head to the side.

         "Yeah, well-"

         "Zoro!" a voice calls. "Hurry up, Marines are after us!"

         "Well have a good life, and-"

         "Are those hands...?"

         "...God damn it, Luffy." The hands, stretching all the way from the GOD DAMN SHIP, grab the two of you and quickly pull you aboard.

         "Oh hey! Thanks for returning Zoro!" the grinning boy with the stretchy arms states. Before you can respond, cannon fire sounds making you jump and look around.

         "We have to go... Sorry but looks like you're coming with!" he laughs before running off to follow the orange haired woman's instructions.

         "Wait... What?" Zoro rubs his face and pats your shoulder.

         "You're the dumbass."

         "What? Why?"

         "You should have run when you had the chance."

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