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Daehyun was leaning forward to comfort Baekhyun, when from his peripheral vision he saw someone walk out of the kitchen. He glanced up, his eyes widening as his jaw dropped in disbelief.

This can't be real . . . Daehyun thought just as Park Chanyeol shyly smiled at him and awkwardly muttered, "Hey, Daehyun."

An with that, the room fell into silence. Daehyun just sat there frozen, his mouth hanging open as he stared dumbfounded as Park Chanyeol walked further into the room. Chanyeol briefly glanced at Daehyun before crouching in front of Baekhyun and gently pulling his hands away from his face; Baekhyun sniffled and wrapped them around Chanyeol's neck.

It was another moment before Daehyun managed to croak, "H–how —- how are you here right now?"

Chanyeol's soothingly rubbed Baekhyun's back and glanced up at Daehyun as he softly replied, "It's a long and complicated story."

"I have time," Daehyun retorted.

Once Chanyeol had finished explaining the theory of his return, a solemn silence descended over the room. No one spoke as Daehyun absorbed in the new insanely yet incredible information as he hunched over holding his head; trying to keep the small throbbing pressure to a minimum.

Another moment passed before he slowly released a breath and glanced up. Baekhyun was nearly sitting in Chanyeol's lap, a fact Daehyun tried his best to ignore as he said, "Okay, what you just told me is insane but I have no reasons not to believe you.... I mean, you're literally the living proof sitting right in front of me . . ." Daehyun sighed and shook his head. "It's insane . . ."

Chanyeol smiled thinly and muttered, "Imagine how we felt . . ."

Daehyun chuckled and peeked up at them as he muttered, "I am . . ." He sighed again before glancing at Baekhyun, giving him a weak smile before he said, "I'm so sorry, Baek. I understand why you cheated now, I just wish you could have been straight with me instead of letting me believe you were some kind of . . ." Daehyun trailed off. "Never mind. I'm just glad you told me."

"But now the question rests . . ." Daehyun said as he looked at Chanyeol. "How are you going to tell your family?"

Chanyeol sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he said, "Honestly, I hadn't thought of telling them. I've just been too caught up in spending time with Baekhyun to even think about seeing them. Does that make me a horrible person?"

"Of course not, Chanyeol," Baekhyun softly said as he brushed his cheek with his thumb. "And we don't have to think about that right now if it's too overwhelming. We should just focus on the now."

Chanyeol nodded and softly smiled before kissing Baekhyun; Baekhyun kissed him back and gently cupped his cheek to deepen the kiss. Daehyun had to look away, and cleared his throat. Their kiss broke as Baekhyun blushed guilty, and hid his face in Chanyeol's shoulder as Chanyeol quietly muttered, "Sorry."

Daehyun sighed. "No, don't apologize. I should...." Daehyun trailed off before gently saying, "Baekhyun?" Baekhyun glanced up from Chanyeol's shoulder as Daehyun continued by saying, "I'm sorry. I guess I was a fool to ever think your heart could move on. But I loved you and I still do, even despite everything we've been though it's still as true as ever. Which is why this time, I have to be the one to insist you be with Chanyeol. I mean, clearly someone with a higher power wants you two together or Chanyeol wouldn't be here now . . ."

"It was never supposed to be us and I accept that, it hurts but I do. Chanyeol was meant for you; and you were meant for Chanyeol. And I just want you to be happy, Baek. I'll even let you crash in the bedroom as one of my longest friends until you figure out where to live," Daehyun said with a soft smile.

Baekhyun blinked back his tears as he softly whispered, "Thank you so much, Dae. You know I love you too, but I also love Chanyeol more. I'm so grateful that you understand . . ." Baekhyun said as he moved to give Daehyun a hug. "There will always be a special place for you in my heart...."

Daehyun smiled softly and hugged him back. "Thanks, Baek, I feel the same."

Chanyeol watched the exchange with a small smile. He was beyond relieved that Daehyun understood why Baekhyun could no longer be with him, and grateful that he didn't resent Chanyeol for stealing him away again; he wouldn't be able to be with Baekhyun and not feel guilty if Daehyun hated him.

When their hug broke, Baekhyun moved back to Chanyeol's side and slide his hand into his; Chanyeol smiled at the warmth and kissed his temple before addressing Daehyun.

"Daehyun, I've actually been thinking about asking Baek to move in with me," Chanyeol muttered. "But since you two were still together I was waiting. I know you just broke up, but I wouldn't feel right if I asked him without saying something to you first."

Daehyun smiled. "Chanyeol, even after everything I still can't imagine a better person to take care of our Baekhyun. And it's not up to me anymore, although I respect you for asking . . ."

Chanyeol nodded and his eyes flickered down to Baekhyun, who was biting his tongue to hold back from screaming out in joy. Chanyeol noticed his joyous light and smiled softly as he quietly asked, "Byun Baekhyun, will you move in with me?"

Baekhyun vigorously nodded and threw his arms around Chanyeol's neck as he gushed, "Of course, I'll fucking move in with you, Park Chanyeol!"

Chanyeol chuckled and hugged Baekhyun back just as tightly as he softly whispered into his ear, "I love you."

"I love you more."

Word count: 960

~ 🌸 ~

A/N: Who was expecting that outcome, and it seems all is well, or is it . . .? 🤔🤔

Anyway, thank you for reading, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you!

Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️

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