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After hiking at least a mile through the woods with a playfully annoying midget on his back, Chanyeol insisted upon taking a break. He held the back of Baekhyun's thighs and waist as he slipped off Chanyeol's back, being careful he didn't fall.

Once his feet safely touched the ground Baekhyun pulled his backpack off, that they had earlier combined to share both their things for their hike. He sat down on a rock as he unzipped the pack and pulled out two water bottles, followed by two granola bars. He tossed one in turn to Chanyeol before untwisting the cap of his own water bottle, and taking a much needed drink. Chanyeol took a sit beside Baekhyun on another rock, and did the same.

A few moments of near silence passed between them, the only noises that of nature and the barely audible sounds of them chewing. Baekhyun was digging the toe of his boot into the dirt, shifting aside the wet dead leaves as his eyes glanced up into the greenery before him. He took the last bit of his granola bar before stuffing the wrapper into the side pocket of his bag before peering sideways at Chanyeol.

"Chan," he quietly said.


"We should do things like this more often in the future. It's so nice out here . . ." Baekhyun sighed.

Chanyeol softly smiled and nodded his agreement. He finished off his granola bar as well and placed the wrapper into the same side pocket. He reached out for Baekhyun and grabbed his hand, tugging him close. Baekhyun smiled as he placed his legs over Chanyeol's knees and tucked his head into the hollow of his neck. Chanyeol wound his arms around Baekhyun's waist and kissed his temple.

"Would you like to live in the country?" Chanyeol softly asked.

Baekhyun smiled. "Surrounded by nothing but nature and serenity? Hmm," Baekhyun hummed. "Sounds like heaven."

Chanyeol smiled and kissed his temple. "I'd make sure the house was close to a lake, so you could take morning—–"

"Nighttime swimming is better," Baekhyun softly cut in.

"Why's that?"

"Because we'd be invisible in the dark . . ." Baekhyun muttered.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Okay, I understand. Night swimming it is, then," Chanyeol said with another deep chuckle. "What else would we have in our little cottage in the woods?" Chanyeol softly murmured before kissing Baekhyun's cheek.

Baekhyun smiled and glanced up at Chanyeol through his lashes as he softly whispered, "There would be the pitter-patter of little feet." Baekhyun turned around in Chanyeol's arms to straddle his lap as he murmured, "Do you remember their names?"

"I remember like it was yesterday," Chanyeol whispered before softly saying, "Ae-jeong for our little girl. Eun-jae for our little boy."

A brilliant smile curved the corners of Baekhyun's mouth and he threw his arms around Chanyeol's neck before kissing him. Chanyeol clutched onto him just as tighty.

"I love you, Park Chanyeol," Baekhyun whispered.

"I love you too, Byun Baekhyun," Chanyeol softly murmured.

* * *

On their drive back to the city a comfortable silence enveloped them, neither one of them wanting to pop the bubble of peace that surrounded them. It was inevitable though, and as they grew closer to the city of Seoul and their phones began to reconnect with the cell towers Baekhyun's instantly began to ring.

Their bubble that had manged to give them the bliss of escaping their lives was popped as Baekhyun sorrowfully glanced at Chanyeol, before answering his phone with a defeated sigh. It was time to plunge head first back into reality.

"Hello?" Baekhyun greeted.

"Baekhyun! Why haven't you been answering your phone!? Where have you been!? Your father and I have been repeatedly calling you ever since—–" She trailed off, and then Baekhyun heard her sigh before continuing on to say, "You have to come home, Baekhyun, and it's non-negotiable. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Mom, I'll come home now. See you in an hour," Baekhyun said before hanging up.

"You're going home?" Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun nodded. "I have too. My parents are beside themselves with anger and confusion."

"Did she tell you that?" Chanyeol asked.

"My mom didn't have too. I could tell just by her voice that's she very feed up and wants an explanation," Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol sighed. "Okay, then I'm coming with you." Baekhyun was about to object, but Chanyeol hushed him and sternly said, "No Baekhyun, if I'm not there to help explain the reason you called off your engagement then what the hell would you even tell them? You can't lie your way out of the truth, so therefore, I am coming with you. I have too . . ."

Baekhyun sighed. "I know, I just wish it could be different. I'm not ready for them to know about you, I just want to be selfish for a little while longer...." Baekhyun muttered.

Chanyeol nodded and smiled sympathetically as he reached out to gently stroke Baekhyun's cheek. "I know, my love, me too. But we have to be responsible."

Baekhyun sighed. "Responsibility sucks ass."

Chanyeol chuckled and squeezed Baekhyun's hand, and then they were off.

Word count: 851

~ 🌸 ~

A/N: *sighs*

When will they get a break? How do you guys think the next chapter will play out? How will Baekhyun's parents react to Chanyeol's return?

So many questions, read to find out the rest. 😊

Thank you, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Have an amazing day/night!

Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️

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