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⚠️ [Mature] ⚠️

"Are you sure we won't get caught?" Baekhyun quietly asked as Chanyeol lead him by the hand through the dorms.

"We won't, I promise. It's just my roommate and I," Chanyeol quietly replied as he unlocked his room door.

He gestured for Baekhyun to come in but he shook his head and whispered, "Make sure he's not here first."

Chanyeol sighed, but after getting a look he surrendered and went inside to check the apartment. He came back a moment later.

"All clear," he softly muttered as he reached out for Baekhyun's hand.

Baekhyun allowed him to pull him inside, and shivered when Chanyeol reached around to close the door behind them. His warm breath brushed over Baekhyun's cheek as he softly asked, "Do you want anything?"

Baekhyun had to restrain himself from saying, "Yes, you." And instead decided on a safer route as he quietly said, "Tea would be nice."

Chanyeol smiled softly and gently caressed his cheek as he replied, "Coming, right up." Chanyeol said, before chastely kissing Baekhyun's forehead and walking into the small adjoining kitchen just off the living room. Baekhyun kept his eyes trained on Chanyeol until the wall separated him from view; Baekhyun sighed.

He didn't like this new feeling building inside him, but at the same time he knew he couldn't stop it. Chanyeol, no matter what his name was, would always be someone Baekhyun could never let go of. Maybe he was just being selfish? But what are the odds of someone's deceased lover coming back to life? How does it even work?

Was it a wish? Reincarnation? Or a medical miracle?

Whatever the hell it was, Baekhyun wouldn't dare question it because he was afraid that the more questions he asked the less of a chance he'd have to keep Chanyeol beside him. He had just gotten him back, and he didn't want to screw it up by asking questions he shouldn't ask. He wouldn't lose him over his selfish desire for the truth.

* * *

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were laying in bed together; Baekhyun had his head resting on Chanyeol's chest as Chanyeol laid there with his eyes closed, threading his fingers through Baekhyun's hair. Baekhyun played with Chanyeol's hand as his mind whirled with questions he couldn't help but wonder about.

Chanyeol seemed to sense it as he bowed his head and kissed Baekhyun's temple before softly saying, "Talk to me. I can practically hear your thoughts, Baek. What is it?"

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip, and glanced through his lashes up at Chanyeol as he softly asked, "Why is your name different? I get that you where adopted but I don't understand why . . .?"

Chanyeol sighed and he gently continued to run his fingers through Baekhyun's hair; it was like a distraction, since soon after he felt Chanyeol's heartbeat pick up speed. Baekhyun immediately squeezed his hand as he gently said, "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me."

Chanyeol exhaled shakily, Baekhyun's touch soothing him as he quietly muttered, "No, I want to be honest with you."

Baekhyun nodded. "Okay, but if you need time to tell me then . . ." Baekhyun trailed off and Chanyeol smiled softly as he whispered, "It's okay. A wise friend once told me, 'Life's too short to have regret in the heart'. I know it doesn't exactly apply here but . . ."

Baekhyun softly laughed and leaned up to kiss Chanyeol's mouth before saying with a grin, "What a wise friend."

Chanyeol chuckled and kissed him too before softly muttering, "And your right, talking about my past in this moment would be too sad. And I know we have plenty of bitterly sweet and sad moments to last us a lifetime so . . ." Chanyeol trailed off as his hands roamed down along Baekhyun's waist, and gently turned him around until he was straddling Chanyeol's lap. Chanyeol smiled softly, and studied Baekhyun's features lovingly as he replied, "So instead, let's make purely happy ones . . ."

Baekhyun smiled softly as he leaned in close, and delicately took Chanyeol's kiss. "All I want is you," he whispered as he deepened the kiss. Chanyeol hummed as his hand took ahold of Baekhyun's waist once more as he flipped him onto his back, and Baekhyun immediately reconnected their lips as he wound his leg around Chanyeol's hip. Baekhyun moaned at the friction, his hands tightening in Chanyeol's hair as he kissed him more fervently.

Chanyeol pressed more of his weight into Baekhyun as he slowly rolled their pelvises together; Baekhyun moaned again as his fingers tightened in the roots of Chanyeol's hair. Chanyeol groaned and swept his hands along Baekhyun's thighs and down around to his inner knee as he hiked his legs around his hips, and grinded their growing erections together. Baekhyun moaned as his eyes squeezed shut, and his back arched for more.

His hands swept down and around to Chanyeol's chest, to hover between their two bodies as he breathlessly gasped, "Chanyeol, I want you to
t–touch me." Baekhyun's hips arched up as his hands moved back around Chanyeol's waist.

Chanyeol groaned, and kissed Baekhyun as he huskily replied against his mouth, "Are you sure?"

Baekhyun nodded, and bit his bottom lip as he breathed, "Please!"

Chanyeol nodded too as he continued to kiss Baekhyun, while working to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his thighs. Baekhyun helped wiggle them off and relocked his legs around Chanyeol's waist, his back arching once again as he softly pleaded. Chanyeol exhaled shakily, and kissed the corner of Baekhyun's mouth as one hand tugged down his boxers. Baekhyun gasped at the cool air, as a lewd moan slipped from between his lips as Chanyeol touched him.

"Sh–it," Baekhyun breathed as the pleasurable feeling of Chanyeol's big, warm, and slightly calloused hand ran along the length of his shaft; his thumb teasing over the head and running over the slit. The rough texture of Chanyeol's hand against his sensitive skin quickly pushed him over the edge, as moans poured pass his lips.

Chanyeol's wanted to make Baekhyun feel amazing, so he built himself a steady rhythm and slowly increased his pace. Baekhyun moaned at the rough jerking of his cock and bucked his hips up to match with Chanyeol's strokes. Chanyeol's was just as aroused as he brought Baekhyun to a mind-blowing high; euphoria filling Baekhyun's body as he came with a lewd moan onto Chanyeol's hand and the bedsheets.

Their bodies both had a shin of sweat on them as they laid there catching their breath. Baekhyun's need for the moment had been satisfied, and as they rested there with Chanyeol's body pressed flushed against his own, Baekhyun knew he'd have to repay the favor if the rock hard appendage pressed against the inside of his thigh was any indication.

He sighed breathlessly and tightened his legs around Chanyeol's hips as he brought his hands up to thread through the sweaty hair around his forehead. "Let me help you . . ." Baekhyun whispered as he ran his hands down to cup Chanyeol's cheeks, making their eyes meet before he chastely kissed him.

"I don't want you to feel like you have too," Chanyeol softly muttered.

"No, I want to. Please? Let me help you?"

Chanyeol sighed and kissed the corner of Baekhyun's mouth before slowly nodding. "Okay...." he breathed.

Baekhyun smiled as he gently pushed Chanyeol back on his knees, unzipping his pants and quickly removed them along with his boxers before taking him into his mouth. Chanyeol gasped, and fisted his hands in the sheets as he hissed, "Holy shit, Baek! I don't remember you ever doing this . . ."

Baekhyun released Chanyeol with a pop to grin, and whispered, "Well, there's a first time for everything . . ." before relocking his lips around the thick muscle.

Word count: 1,293

~ 🌸 ~

A/N: Hello, lovelies! I hope you enjoyed the days chapter, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you!

Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️

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