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It's was going on day three since Baekhyun has last seen and spoken to Chanyeol. He thought it wouldn't hurt as much as the time slowly trickled away, but with fall break and all his empty time the three day separation had grown downright painful. Talking to Daehyun helped; he was supportive and comforting and understanding, and it was far more than Baekhyun knew he deserved and he was grateful. He was grateful because despite the fact that he had cheated on his ex-boyfriend turned ex-fiancé, twice, against both their better judgement neither one of them has walked away when it was so clearly the smartest thing for them to do.

Baekhyun didn't harbor an romantic feelings for Daehyun anymore, and when Daehyun's boyfriend, Youngjae, came by to visit Baekhyun could see the torn flesh of Daehyun's heart repairing itself. Baekhyun was happy for Daehyun, and he was hopeful their new relationship wouldn't end over rumpled sheets and ripped clothing.

It was nearing nine o'clock of day three and Daehyun, Baekhyun, and Youngjae were in the living room watching a movie together. Baekhyun was sitting as far away from the couple as he could, not because he felt threatened by the new relationship or felt as if Youngjae didn't like him. He merely didn't want to be the middle man, and felt better sitting in the corner of the room where it was the darkest; out of the way and unseen.

When Youngjae first learned Baekhyun was temporarily staying at Daehyun's apartment on top of learning he was his ex-fiancé and they had slept together only five days ago, he had been pissed and stormed to the apartment. After hours of them yelling and arguing in the bedroom, Daehyun had somehow gotten Youngjae to calm down and give in to the idea, as long as Baekhyun was out of the apartment by the end of the week. Baekhyun even suspects there was some kind of sex agreement involved between the two also, on top of their other compromise.

When the movie came to an end, an almost awkward cloud settled above them. Baekhyun squirmed in his chair, as Youngjae stood from the couch and reached down for Daehyun's hand as he said, "Come on, Dae, I'm tired."

Daehyun smiled thinly as he accepted Youngjae's hand, allowing him to pull him to his feet. Youngjae smiled when he did, gently kissing his cheek before beginning to tug him towards the bedroom.

Before they could completely leave, Daehyun softly said, "Sleep well, Baek."

Baekhyun smiled and gently replied, "You too, and Youngjae, I hope you do as well."

Youngjae huffed in response before pulling Daehyun from the room. Baekhyun sighed in exhaustion as he moved to collapse on the couch, making it into his bed as he adjusted the pillows and pulled the blanket thrown over the back of the couch across his body. He was drifting off into his dreams only moments after his eyes had closed, his subconsciousness sending him into Chanyeol's arms.

The next morning, Baekhyun woke to the gentle clanking of pans over the stove. He yawned and stretched out as he sat up, the delicious smell of cooking bacon effectively plucking him from the groggy grasp of sleep.

He slowly made his way into the kitchen, déjà vu slapping him across the face when he saw Daehyun hovered over the stove and cracking eggs. Baekhyun sighed and mentally shook away the feeling of nostalgia as he took a seat at the small table.

Daehyun glanced up when the chair scrapped back against the wooden floor, a smile blooming across his face as he said, "Morning, Baek. Would you like coffee?"

Baekhyun nodded and smiled appreciatively after Daehyun had placed a steaming mug before him. "Thanks," he mumbled.

Daehyun nodded and turned back to the stove, a moment of silence passed between them before Daehyun spoke. "It's going on day four . . . Have you figured out what you're going to say to Chanyeol? I know you miss him, it just doesn't make sense to me that you continue to make yourself suffer . . ."

"Chanyeol doesn't want me, yet . . ." Baekhyun mumbled as he sipped at his coffee.

Daehyun sighed. "You don't even know if that's true. Maybe he's just waiting for you to make the first move?" Daehyun said.

"Should I?" Baekhyun asked.

"Baek, you miss him terribly, so you have to do something . . ."

Baekhyun sighed and muttered, "I guess I have to tell him . . ."

* * *

Chanyeol was laying on the couch flipping through the channels on the television when Taemin walked into the room. He spared Chanyeol a glance, and then grimaced in disgust as he asked, "When's the last time you showered, Chanyeol, because you look truly pathetic."

Chanyeol didn't even spare the energy to acknowledge him, because he already knew how pathetic he had become without Baekhyun by his side. It was unhealthy how much he depended on his sweet, beautiful, funny, intelligent, and sexy lover. His body and soul had grown —- once again —- so accustomed to Baekhyun beside him that he didn't even know how to properly function anymore.

It was as if he had been reduced to a hollow shell, and Baekhyun was everything that made him whole and alive, which theoretically was true. Baekhyun was the one who gave Chanyeol life again, in so many ways, having him briefly cut out of his life made Chanyeol feel anything but alive. He was both mentally and physically starved without the soft texture of Baekhyun's skin beneath his own, and his magical laugh that could lift Chanyeol's soul from any darkness.

He had to see him, and sooner than later, one of them would cave.

When Taemin didn't get a response from Chanyeol, he sighed and muttered, "I'm worried about you, Chanyeol. You need to set aside your ego before you make yourself sick missing him, it's not healthy loving someone so much. It's deadly . . ." Taemin mumbled before leaving the room.

Chanyeol laughed to himself, he couldn't help it because Taemin was right. His relationship with Baekhyun created chaos, heartbreak, and lies. But it also created serenity, love, and truth. So if they are truly meant to be, Chanyeol believed his Baekhyun would come back to him. It was Baekhyun's turn to chase, and with that in mind, he pulled out the worn folded piece of paper he had found beneath his pillow; Baekhyun's elegant yet hurried scrawl written inside, that read:

Dear Chanyeol,

I never meant to hurt you. Why would I ever hurt the other half of my soul . . .? I know you're mad at me and with good reason, so I'm giving you the space you need, but don't except me to stay away from you for too long. Just the thought of being away from you is . . . painful, to say the least. Anyway, I love you so so much, and I promise not to be gone long; just long enough to give you thinking space.

See you soon my love,
—- Baekhyun 🖤🖤

Chanyeol exhaled a shuddering breath as he slipped the note back into his pocket, taking a moment to work up the energy to move. Chanyeol showered quickly and dressed into clean clothing, and he was on his way into the kitchen to make a proper meal when there was a knock at his door. His heart immediately reacted erratically, and as calmly as he could, he went to answer the door. Chanyeol's heart shuttered when his eyes meet the person standing before him.

Word count: 1,252

~ 🌸 ~

A/N: Ooh! Who do you think is at the door???

Anyway, thank you for reading, and please, don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you!

Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️

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