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Baekhyun and Chanyeol only had one day left of their fall break, and eight months left before they would have summer vacation before the start of the new school year. Both of them wanted to go on their honeymoon, and had been talking about telling their family about their marriage tomorrow, and then for the Christmas holiday they would visit again before using the two weeks from school to travel somehow warm for their honeymoon. It seemed like a solid enough plan, but the telling their parents about the spontaneous wedding they hadn't been invited to —- or even told about —- would be tricky and possibly even dangerous.

But they decided to worry about it later, and instead choice to enjoy their time together as they sat beneath the sun bundled in their coats, obvious to the cold because of their warmth for each other. They were so happy, so blissfully happy. That when they ran into Daehyun and his boyfriend, Youngjae in the park, they were so over all the drama that they invited the couple to lunch. It wasn't awkward, instead, it was nice and it was healing; and both couples were happily in love with their significant other. Things were finally starting to feel right again.

* * *

"Mom. Dad," Baekhyun softly said as he sat in his childhood living room with his parents and Chanyeol's sister, Yoora, Chanyeol's hand tightly clasped in his. "And Yoora, Chanyeol and I have some exciting news . . ."

"Well, what is it?" Mrs. Byun asked with a curious smile.

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and peeked up at Chanyeol with a small smile before he said, "Chanyeol and I got married!"

Mrs. Byun gasped, and Yoora slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes filling with tears.

"It's about time!" Mr. Byun cried as Baekhyun blinked in surprise.

"Wait? You're not mad we didn't tell you . . ." he asked confusedly.

Mr. Byun shrugged. "It would have been nice to know beforehand, but to make-up for leaving your mother out of one of the most important days of your life, we'll plan for a summer wedding."

Baekhyun's eyes grew misty and he softly muttered, "Dad . . ." before getting up and throwing his arms around his shoulders.

Mr. Byun smiled and rubbed his son's back as Mrs. Byun gently asked, "Baekhyun, dear, can we see the rings?"

Baekhyun laughed as Mr. Byun released him from their hug. Baekhyun smiled and took his sit beside Chanyeol again, as they both extended their hands to show off their matching gold wedding bands, and Baekhyun's added diamond engagement ring he hadn't taken off. Mrs. Byun cooed as she stood up to wrap her son in a hug and kissed his cheek, before extending the same affection to Chanyeol.

Yoora sprung from her position on the chair and engulfed Chanyeol in a big hug as she whispered, "I'm so glad you finally got your happy ending, you deserve it so much."

Chanyeol hugged her back and softly whispered, "I just wish dad was here . . ."

Yoora sighed. "I know, but he needs time . . ."

"I know . . ." Chanyeol muttered as he released his sister from their hug. He sighed. "I love you, Yoora, thank you for not turning your back on me."

"How could I, you're my baby brother. I love you, Chanyeol," Yoora whispered with a small smile. "Now, as your sister, I want you to always be happy."

Chanyeol smiled and glanced over at Baekhyun, admiring his smiling face as he talked to his parents. Chanyeol laced their hands together, and Baekhyun shot him a small smile before turning back to his parents. Chanyeol smiled too, and glanced at his sister as he replied, "I don't think you have to worry, Yoora. I'm more than happy, I have Baekhyun, again."

One Month Later

"Have fun on your honeymoon!" Taemin called as Baekhyun and Chanyeol waved before getting in their car and driving to the airport. They each packed things to do on the flight —- like a book to read, a set of cards to play, or their headphones for music —- it would take them nine hours and thirty-nine minutes, a total of four thousand, seven hundred and seventeen miles to reach their destination. They were in for an achingly long flight.

They spent the first hour playing various card games, then the next two Chanyeol decided to listen to music while Baekhyun read his book. They also talked and laughed about their childhood, and for the next three hours they took a nap; Baekhyun's head resting on Chanyeol's shoulder, and Chanyeol's cheek upon Baekhyun's head.

When their flight finally landed at their destination nine and a half hours later, the whole airplane sighed with relief as it's passengers stood up and stretched out their sore bodies. Baekhyun yawned and glanced out the window, in awe of the view, and happy to no longer be surrounded in snow drifts as tall as him. Chanyeol gently touched his shoulder and quietly asked, "Ready, baby?"

Baekhyun nodded with a wide smile as he stood up, and laced his hand with Chanyeol's as he said, "I'm more than ready."

Chanyeol smiled and squeezed his hand, quickly kissing his forehead before they were following the flow of people off the plane and into the airport to the baggage claim. They gathered together their things, and on their way out to the eager cabbie's lining the pick up lane, a greeter held the door open for them as he smiled and kindly said, "Hello, and welcome to Hawaii. We hope you enjoy your visit."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol smiled as they thanked him, before stepping out onto the hot sidewalk that wasn't slick with ice or buried a mile beneath snow. They both inhaled deeply, catching different scents, but the one that stood out the most was the salty richness of a blue ocean. Baekhyun smiled widely and glanced to his left, he saw the beautiful sea, and an uncontrollable urge seized his body.

He turned to Chanyeol with bright eyes as he dropped his bags and softly said, "Meet me by the sea," before without so much as another word he began to ran.

He heard Chanyeol call after him, but he didn't stop, he laughed as he ran and smiled at the thought of hearing the waves and feeling the rush of power as his body sliced through the water. He may have looked crazy, but he was happy. He had never been more happy in his life, and when Chanyeol appeared by the edge of the sea, the sunlight shinning on his recently dyed auburn hair, Baekhyun was overjoyed as he raced into his arms. Chanyeol smiled brightly and laughed at Baekhyun's enthusiasm as he spun him in a circle, only letting him go after they had become dizzy, and then their day spent beside the ocean began.

Their life together finally began, and it was so beautiful, and they were so happy. But one thing was missing, and their names were Ae-jeong and Eun-jae. Baekhyun peered up at Chanyeol, a small smile adorning his lips. He was ready; he wanted his family, and he could hardly wait to began building it.

Word count: 1,198

~ 🌸 ~

A/N: 😊

I hope everyone enjoyed the update, thank you for your support, have an amazing day/night!

Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️

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