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After consoling Chanyeol and working up his courage they decided to proceed with their plan. Baekhyun stood outside the Park's front door, his hand frozen halfway to knock while Chanyeol waited in the shadows of a tree for his cue. And as Baekhyun stood there frozen in place, he began to understand Chanyeol's fear. After all, it was his fear too. But he managed to push it all away, and finally closed the gape between the door and his raised fist.

Knock! Knock!

He waited with baited breaths for the door to open, and when it did Yoora stood at the threshold. Her eyes widened when she recognized the man standing before her, that she hadn't seen for nearly two years, the last time ever being at her brother's funeral. The instant sight of him brought tears to her eyes and her voice cracked when she spoke.

"Baekhyun, what are you doing here?" she hoarsely whispered.

Baekhyun fought back his own tears at his last memory of the girl before him as he forced a smile and hoarsely replied, "Hey Yoora, we need to talk." And with those spoken words, Chanyeol appeared like a ghost from the shadows of a tree beside the house.

Yoora gasped in surprise and her legs nearly gave out from beneath her as she bursted into tears. Baekhyun rushed to catch her before she fell and held onto her tightly as he helped guide her to the couch. She was crying heavily and kept gasping, "What is this!? You better explain right now, Byun Baekhyun!"

Baekhyun shook his head. "Your father has to know too," he quickly spoke.

"He'll have a heart attack if he—-" Yoora trailed off, not able to even finish her sentence. She shook her head furiously and whispered, "This isn't real. I'm dreaming. That's it, this is all a dream, a super realistic dream."

"Yoora," Chanyeol softly spoke for the first time. "Please, go get dad? He has to hear this too . . ."

More tears began to fill Yoora's eyes as she whispered, "We buried you . . ."

"I know . . ."

Yoora's bottom lip began to quiver and she got up from her position on the couch before rushing from the room to find her father. When she returned with him his expression said he hasn't believed a word his daughter said, but when he saw the proof standing before him, his jaw dropped.

Chanyeol smiled nervously and awkwardly muttered, "Hey, Dad."

Mr. Park continued to stare at him incredulously before managing to gasp, "What is this? Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of sick joke!? Are you trying to impersonate my dead son!?"

"No! Dad, it's me! I'm . . . I'm back . . ."


"By love," Chanyeol whispered as he gave Baekhyun's hand a squeeze.

"Explain yourself," Mr. Park demanded, still wary of the man who looked and sounded exactly like his deceased son, who died two years ago.

Chanyeol nodded and slowly took a seat on a chair, pulling Baekhyun down with him as he began to gently explain his return.

When Chanyeol came to the end of his explanation, Yoora was softly crying with her hands over her mouth and Mr. Park was expressionless. They sat that way for a moment before Yoora jumped to her feet and went to Chanyeol, hesitate at first to touch him, before throwing her arms around his neck and weeping into his shoulder.

"I love you so much, Chanyeol," she whispered.

Chanyeol softly smiled, and soothingly rubbed her back as he gently replied, "I love you too."

When Yoora released her brother from their hug —- although reluctantly —- both of them glanced at their father who had been silent throughout the whole theory of Chanyeol's return. Baekhyun could sense something wrong, and after another moment of silence passed before Mr. Park finally spoke, Baekhyun knew why.

"I'm sorry," he quietly spoke. "But I can't accept you. My son died two years ago, and all you are to me is his imposter. I won't keep my daughter away from you, being that I know how much she misses her brother everyday . . . And I won't think little of you, Baekhyun, for continuing to love him. I know how much losing Chanyeol ripped you apart. How much losing him ripped us all apart, but I'm not you, I can't love a lie. I'm sorry," Mr. Park whispered. But before he could leave the room he said, "But maybe if I had gotten my love back.... Maybe this would have been different." And then ending with that he left the room, sucking all of the oxygen out with him.

After his father had left, Chanyeol was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe his father had rejected him, but maybe with time he would grow to adjust to the idea because Chanyeol couldn't handle the thought of his father denying his existence even if it was impossible.

Chanyeol wasn't normally a person who cried, but when something was bad enough to shake him to his core he couldn't hold back his tears. And within only minutes after his father had left the room, he could feel the salty liquid rolling down his cheeks, and his shoulders began to shake and his breathing became erratic as everything he's been pushing down finally came pouring out; he was nearly a puddle on the floor.

Both Baekhyun and Yoora cried too, the sight of Chanyeol's tears breaking them. Baekhyun squeezed himself between the chair and Chanyeol as he curled into his side and tightly hugged his waist. Yoora sat on the floor, her arms crossed on the corner of the couch as she laid her head down on her folded arms and softly cried too.

When Chanyeol had gotten the tears out of his system, he hugged his sister and explained to her they had to tell just a handful of other people. She was understanding but naturally demanded they see each other again very very soon. Chanyeol had agreed wholeheartedly and kissed her on the cheek before taking Baekhyun's hand as they left the house.

Their hidden truth was nearly out, and once every secret had been spilled, Chanyeol would make do on his promises. He would finally be able to live the life he dreamed of ever since the beginning. He would be happy; he would be in love.


Word count: 1,057

~ 🌸 ~

A/N: *cries*

So now Chanyeol's family knows, and the only ones left are their friends. How will they react? Will they be accepting? Wait and read to find out!

Have an amazing day/night, and thank you so much for your continued support! Hugs! 🤗😊

Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️

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