~Getting Introduced~

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My soft fingers clenched onto the handle as I walked onto the wooden stage in front of the audience of 8. They all stared at me then Wolf as he stepped towards me and snarled. I smiled playfully and my tail fluffened up in excitement. We stepped onto the edges of the wood and went into a sprinting position. I stuck my tongue out at him to slightly distract him then charged for his knife and the points clanged together which made his grip a slight unsteady. Cory just glared at me in annoyance then charged for my knife but I did a front flip over him and everyone gasped. Cory didn't seem impressed with how talented I was because I could just jump around all day while he couldn't do a damn thing. He charged again but I simply hit his with the side of mine like nothing and he started sweating in embarrassment. 

The crowd started whispering but I couldn't understand so I just started darting around the room like sonic and I could see that he was getting dizzy so I climbed onto the wall and took a deep breath. Only one shot. Only one chance. Only one simple thing to do. I backflipped off of the wall and hit the knife out of his now light grip. He stuttered and I giggled out of how easy it was but then I remembered what the other camps did when I showed them what I fight like. They tied me up onto a pole or tree until they were attacked so they let me go but I didn't fight and just ran away crying. I pointed the point of the knife to his eye and started shaking slightly but then leaned in closer. "Are you...are you going to lock me up now that I've shown you what I can do?" He suddenly looked into my yellow eyes in disbelief.

"W, what?! Why would I?" He asked very shocked.

"Because that's what everyone else I've known had done. Well, is there a spare room I can sleep in then?" I helped him up as he fell over from being dizzy so much then we looked into eachothers eyes which probably meant gg (good game).  

"Y, yeah sure-"

"I'll take her!" Ash interrupted then took my hand as she had my backpack on and all of the stuff in it and led me to a room a floor or two above the ground floor. She placed my things on the bedside table as we sat on the bed. Ash smiled sweetly as she looked at me. "So, what do you think?" She asked as I looked around the plain room. It was very empty with only the single bed and a bedside table beside it which was scratched and dirty.

"Uhh...plain?" I answered as I placed my feet on the wooden floor and my hand on the bed frame. 

"Don't worry! Just look in the spare rooms on the next floor and search the rooms for decorations and covers. Or just go scavenging for stuff, were going scavenging tomorrow if you want to join." She looked at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. They dazzled in her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. So, what's everyone like?"

"Oh, right! Cory got to be the leader because there used to be someone else called Steve and he was the strongest because he was a panther but Cory beat him. Steve ran away in embarrassment and we haven't seen him since so Wolf's now the strongest boy and the leader. He's friendly, responsible, brave and surprisingly not the chick magnet. Sebastian is Wolf's guy to go get some advice or help so they hang out quite often but if he's not with Wolf, he's with his girl Rain. Just don't talk about the past with him, he don't like it at all! He's quite romantic and loyal so if you get on his good side, Sebastian might just count you as a trusted friend! Matt...phew...he's a handful! He sticks near boys when me and Rain are out doing stuff but if we're in, he hangs out with us with his bad seducing. Just stay away from him, he's no good for your health. Trust me. He only wants to get laid every night but it might be because of the past or just because he's being the dumbest boy on earth. Try not to talk to him, he try's to get you in his room and obviously that's the only one with a working lock. Daniel...the hyena, just don't get on his bad side. He's violent. Very violent. When him and Cory were arguing, he punched him and that was honestly a bit amusing, just seeing then roll around on the floor punching eachother. But of course Sebastian broke it up. The only fun part of the day and maybe even the month. Carter the rabbit is very shy. He's been with us for quite a while so it's just how he is. He actually sticks near Daniel most of the time which is surprising because it's the most shy person who's best friends with the most violent person. Weird. Luckily, Hunters nice. He's the white tiger. He's good at protecting us and hunting so you might work good with him if you take the occasional job of patrolling the area with him. Rain's my best friend so don't get on the wrong side of her or you'll have to deal with me and Sebastian if you do something to her. Ever since she got with Sebastian she's become more and more confident which is great because she actually trusts us more. Even if she's been with us for nearly a year she doesn't trust everyone completely, especially the new ones like you and Oliver. He's the Saint Bernard and he's the newest boy so he is still a bit shy but he's becoming more social as the days go by. He seemed to notice you when you came in." She winked and I sighed. "Got it all?"

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