~Go Out And Die~

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~Hours Later~

Everyone was packed up. Weapons in pockets and food in backpacks. I nudged Daniel. "Yes?" He asked.

"Seen Valentine? I haven't seen her since I went out with...fucktard." I asked, gritting my teeth again.

"No, sorry. Ask Buddy, even though he's a dog, he's good at looking for things and people."

"Thanks Daniel, be safe out there, k?" I placed a kiss on his cheek, painting a smile on his face. I didn't care anymore. He was my friend. I knew him well enough to kiss his cheek.

"You too. Remember, Hunter and Buddy got your back." I looked to the side, a single tear running down my cheek. "Hey, don't cry! I'll be back before you know it!" He kissed my forehead and was about to leave until I tugged in his leather jacket.

"Thanks Daniel, for being there for me."


"Alright." Cory started, holding out a walkie-talkie. "Here's the walkie-talkie, we can use it to communicate if we have to." He reached his hand out to me but Hunter came in front and took it for me. "Umm, That was for my girlfriend-"

"I'm not your girlfriend." I stated. "And I hope you go out there and die, a slow, painful death." I flipped him off then walked over to the uncomfortable sofa and sat down, wishing that Cory would just die, alone. I brung my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, just wanting to be left alone for a while. 

"You ok?" Hunter asked in a caring yet concerned tone.

"Peachy." I joked.

"Look, Daniel can keep an eye on Cory. He's a good guy!"

"I know he is. Ever since I stitched up his damn fucked up cheek."

"Yeah, you got nice skills."

"Thanks. May you take my bullet out, later?"

"Yeah, sure. Why not." He sat next to me and put an arm around me. I stared at Cory angrily. "Don't look at him, he'll only want attention. That's all he wants, as if your not enough for him, which you are but...he's just blind to it." I placed my hand on his chest and leaned into him.

"Please don't leave me." I begged.

"Never. Even if I die, I'll look over you, forever."

"I'm...in a mood, ya'know? Like I could kiss everyone here to make me feel better but...why the fuck did I just say that? Its a stupid and insane things to say."

"No, it isn't. I sometimes feel like that when I'm sad, I just want all the attention I can get to feel better." I swooped my arm in a gap by his lower back and held him tighter, legs bent beside me and his straight on the floor. We stayed like this for a while, watching everyone else talk by the entrance about stuff. Buddy came over and sat by Hunters feet, drifting off to sleep quickly. 

"I better go try find Valentine." I said before getting up and walking away. The stairs creaked as I took every step until I got to the hallway at the top, now that was really loud. I opened the door to my room and stepped inside, calling Valentines name softly. I checked everywhere; the bathroom, in the cupboard, under and in the bed and even in the curtains, but she was no where. Then I heard a faint meow. "Valentine!" I shouted, walking faster around the room. "Valentine! Come out! I beg you!" Then I heard her again, but louder as I got into the bathroom. I looked by the toilet and saw her, in a cute ball behind it. "Valentine! Oh my god I found you!" She jumped into my arms so I hugged her tightly. "I thought I lost you!" I felt like I was being watched so I checked behind me and saw Cory, gazing at me. "What?" I lashed out.

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