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murdering is hard.

first you have to chop up most of the body parts, put them in a bag of some sort, and hide them somewhere so no one will find them.

then you have to clean up the mess, which takes hours. why is blood so hard to get out?

after cleaning up the mess, you have to clean yourself up, which is pretty nice actually, but the blood sometimes stains my skin.

lastly, you have to make sure there are no witnesses, which usually there aren't, but on rare occasions when i'm feeling lazy there will be at least one person who sees me. then i have to kill them and repeat the cycle.

which is what i'm pretty much doing right now.

but at least it was for a good reason.

this old rich dude kept following me around all day. he apparently lives in the fancy apartments next to my place. he was catcalling me all day. he kept asking if he could buy me a drink sometime or if i'd like to go back to his place, which i declined many times.

he just wouldn't stop. i wasn't planning on killing anyone today, but he was annoying, so i agreed to go back to his place. his apartment was huge, pretty nice if i'm being honest.

after offering me a couple drinks at his place i asked if he wanted to go to the bedroom, to which he obliged.

let's just say i ended up stabbing him and ruining the really soft, white sheets.

dammit i wanted to take those home.

to make a long story short i basically just repeated my normal cycle and took out his body.

on my way to the dumpster i felt a bit uneasy, which is weird because i usually don't feel that. the dumpster is in an alley that's between two apartment buildings.

if i'm being honest, you could probably murder someone back here and nobody would know.

as i was about to head back inside, i got a whiff of cologne, a familiar cologne.

"god dammit delirious." i said, turning around quickly and pulling out a knife from my pocket.

and sure enough, at the other end of the alley was delirious. him and his friends are some of the most infamous robbers/murderers in LA. almost as infamous as me.

they wanted to get rid of me a couple years ago, but since i'm still here, we all know that they failed to do so.

so in case you didn't know, murderer and murderers don't mix, so what i'm trying to say is that we're rivals. i hate their guts and they hate mine.

"hey y/n, long time no see" he said leaning against the wall. i rolled my eyes, "hasn't been long enough."

delirious raised an eyebrow at me. "awe, why you gotta be like that sweetheart? i just dropped in to say hello." he smirked, getting up from he wall. he started to walk towards me but he stopped halfway.

i gave him another eye roll. "i know why you're here dumbfuck, you don't think i forgot, did you? y'know, the time when you tried to kidnap me because you and your friends wanted to be the only murderers around LA? try again, because i came prepared." i pulled out two guns from my jacket.

delirious began to walk closer to me. i started walking backwards but i eventually hit a wall.

"now if you'll excuse me, i think this is my cue to run." i say, beginning to climb up a ladder to the roof.

"get her!" delirious shouted.
i look below to see ohm, lui, and moo right on my trail, delirious running to the other side of the building.

the apartments were built close together so there was only about a foot between each building.

i began to parkour over each building. soon, moo, lui, and ohm got farther and farther away to where i couldn't see them anymore.

i decided to take a small break to catch my breath.

bad decision.

as soon as i bent down to put my hands on my knees, i felt two people grab my arms from behind me, i could easily tell it was delirious and vanoss.

my mouth was quickly duct taped shut, along with my arms and legs being tied up too.

vanoss flagged down a helicopter to come onto the rooftop. the helicopter that nogla was driving came down swiftly and landed onto the roof.

lui, ohm, and moo soon were at the helicopter and hopped in. delirious then threw me in, to which i landed on part of moo and ohm.

delirious hopped in and slid the door shut, we then took off.

moo sat me up and set me in his lap to make sure i wasn't trying to get out of the rope.

as i was in moo's lap, he began to grope me, feeling my breasts, ass, and sliding his hands up my skirt. why of all days did i have to wear one today?

vanoss quickly noticed what was going on and smacked moo in the back of the head.

"dude what was that for?" he said rubbing his head.

"enough groping y/n, we gotta keep this serious."

while vanoss and moo were arguing, a managed to part my lips a bit so that i could lick the duct tape. after a while it became loose and fell off.

"can you guys shut the hell up? if you're going to keep my captive, at least be quiet."

everyone turned to stare at me.

"what? it's not that hard to take duct tape off." i say rolling my eyes.

at this point i had already rolled off of moo and was laying on my back on the floor.

i'm guessing the others didn't care that much, so they left me alone.

"so how long do you plan on keeping me?" i ask, turning to the boys.

"long enough for us to steal the -" moo was quickly cut off by another slap to the head by vanoss.

"great, now she knows too much. now we have to knock her out." delirious said rolling his eyes.

"wait what?" i began to sit up but was pushed back down. while the others held me down, delirious poured a liquid onto a rag and put it over my nose and mouth.

i was starting to feel dizzy. everyone's faces began to blur and start to fade in and out.

i soon passed out.

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