party pt.1

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after we ate breakfast, i begged the guys to take me to the mall so that i could pick out some clothes for myself.

none of them would agree.

"y/n you don't need clothes, just wear ours," ohm groans.

"do you know how much i hate wearing your clothes? i swear to god you guys never wash them."

they all put their hands on their hearts, pretending to be offended.

after 20 more minutes of begging they still wouldn't budge.

i lie on the floor pouting, pondering on how i would be able to get new clothes.

then it hit me.

i'll rob the store, duh.

"fine, if you won't take me, i guess i'll just have to go rob it instead." before the boys could stop me, i was already on my motorcycle and heading into town.

i already had a gun in my pocket when i entered the store. i always bring a gun everywhere with me, just incase i need to out run the cops or protect myself from god knows what.

i hid behind a clothing rack, watching as the crew came through the doors, looking in all directions for me.

they all split up, going in all different directions. this mall had about 3 floors, enough time for me to pick out all the clothes that i want and get away.

i walked into random stores, throwing all the stuff that i wanted into a bag.

the bag contained many things after a couple stores, such as fishnet stockings, ripped jeans, croptops, hoodies, denim jackets, shoes, etc.

i quickly bolted out of the mall, my side screaming at me to stop,the alarms ringing loudly.

the guys must've caught on that it was me because as soon as i started the engine, they were running out of the mall and into the parking lot.

they spotted me but it was too late, i was already speeding off too the mansion, giggling like a child.

i had made it back to the mansion without any trouble.

the guys were also back too, but looking pretty pissed off.

"y'know this wouldn't have happened if you just would've taken me to the mall." i flip my hair and take my clothes upstairs.

there was an extra room upstairs that i planned on taking since i didn't want to sleep in the basement anymore.

the room already had a bed, tv, closet, bathroom, and everything else that i needed.

i hung all my stuff in the closet and put away some bathroom necessities that i had also bought.

after putting everything away i decided to head pack downstairs to see what the guys were talking about.

i stopped at the top of the stairs when i heard them mention my name.

i decided to eavesdrop on their conversation like any normal human being would.

"dude we can't let y/n just do whatever she wants, she'll blow our cover and her own." i heard wildcat say.

i creep down the stairs far enough for me to see them, but they can't see me.

"i know wildcat, i know. i'm still trying to figure that part of the plan out. i'm wondering if we should just drug her anytime she gets out of hand." vanoss contemplated.

they all began to walk into the other room so it got harder for me to hear.

i try to creep my way down the stairs even more until i step on a loose part of the floor. it made a loud creaking noise, loud enough for the others to hear.

they all turn heads to look at the stairs.

"go see what y/n's doing to make sure she's not listening to us." terroriser and mini nod as they head towards the stairs.

i run at lightning speed back to my room, quickly shutting the door behind me.

i start looking through my closet, pretending i was sorting through my clothes.

as if on cue, mini and terroriser walk in.

"ever heard of knocking?" i mumble, still pretending to look through my clothes.

"sorry about that, we just came to see what you were doing," mini shrugged.

i grin. it's going to be a bitch for them to keep me under control.

"i'm actually getting ready for a party some guy's having downtown. i hear it's gonna be awesome," i smile.

their eyes widen.

"oh no no no, you're not going anywhere."

i frown a bit. "says who?" i ask.

"says vanoss, he'll murder you if he finds out that went to a party. murderer, parties, and alcohol don't mix."

i pout, pretending that i give up.

"fine, just get out already." i say shoving them out the door.

little do they know my plan.

there really was a party this guy was throwing downtown, and i really did want to go. knowing that the guys wouldn't let me, i waited until about 11 so that i knew most of them would be asleep.

i rummaged through my closet until i found the perfect outfit.

i decided on an oversized hoodie that said 'broken dreams club', black fishnet stockings that went up to my stomach, and a pair of black knee high boots.

after settling on an outfit, i quickly straightened my h/c hair.

i then picked up my gun and pocket knife and shoved them into my underwear waistband.

deciding that i should probably hide my identity a little, i decided on a black mouth mask too.

going out the door would be too much of a risk, so i did the only logical thing, climb out the window.

my window leads to the roof, which was perfect for me.

i slid down the roof and climb onto a tree near by so i could get myself down.

i headed over to my motorcycle and walked it about half a mile away from the house so i wouldn't wake the others.

i then hopped on and made my way to the party that was most likely going to get me in a shit load of trouble.

this was going to be fun.

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