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i had fallen asleep that night with mixed feelings. why were the guys so mad at me? why did they look so upset when i kissed delirious?

what are me and delirious now?

these questions raced around my mind for hours, trying to figure it out, until i had fallen asleep.

i had been asleep for a couple hours until i was awoken with a start by things falling in the hallway.

i checked the time to see how late it was.

1:39 am

who would be up at this hour?

things continued to fall in the hallway, along with the sound of someone stumbling all over.

i was about to head into the hallway to check on what was going on, but realized i was still half naked because i had slept in a sports bra and shorts.

i got dressed into a nirvana tee and high waisted shorts with converse.

i peeked into the hallway to see who was making all the commotion, only to see vanoss stumbling around with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

he didn't notice me at first, but when he did, he stormed in my direction scarily fast, looking angry. i backed up into my room, in fear of what would happen.

vanoss came stumbling in a few seconds later.

"you bitch, you think you can just play with my head, with all of our heads, don't you? well you got another thing coming sweetheart." he slurred/yelled at me.

he pointed a finger at me and jabbed it into my chest, sending me stumbling backwards a bit.

i was horribly confused.

"vanoss, what are you talking about?" i asked him.

he rolled his eyes.

"don't play dumb with me y/n. you know exactly what you did and you did it on purpose to make us all jealous." he said, his slurring becoming worse. he took a sip of his whiskey.

that's when it hit me.

the others had feeling for me.

that's when rage started boiling inside me.

"well how was i supposed to know you liked me? am i supposed to read your mind or something? delirious was the nicest to me when all of you treated me like shit!" i screamed at him.

the guys ran into my room to see what was going on.

that's when i felt a sudden pain on the right side of my cheek. i rubbed my cheek, which now stung.

he had slapped me.

"you stupid fucking whore!" he screamed out at me.

he continued to scream at me, but i drowned it out as the guys dragged him away from me and out of my room.

delirious ran up to me, removing my hand from my cheek to see the bruise vanoss had left.

delirious hugged me, but i didn't hug back. i felt numb.

i pushed him off of me, i tear slipping down my cheek.

delirious came closer to me to wrap me into another hug, but i wouldn't let him near me.

i quickly climbed out of my bedroom window and slid down the roof to the garage.

i hopped on my motorcycle and drove down the narrow road into the city. i could hear delirious behind me, screaming at me to come back, but i didn't listen.

i didn't look back.

fine, if vanoss wants to call me a whore, then i'll act like one.

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