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we stared at one another for a good couple minutes, not believing what i was seeing.

i went over and sat in front of them, still quiet. i reach over and touched delirious's face, thinking that i was hallucinating. but he was real.

i then touch vanoss's face, then wildcat's, then terroriser's. they were all real. that's when they all at once jumped out and suffocated me into a hug.

i eventually had to tell them to let me go before i'd get squeezed to death.

i spoke to them in a whisper, scared that the elites might hear.

"how the hell did you guys find me?" i question.

"well, we had a little bit of help from old members." he says motioning to the open sewage drain lid. i look down and see 3 unfamiliar faces staring back at me, smiling.

i raise an eyebrow at delirious, still confused.

"let me introduce you, that's cartoonz," he said, pointing to a man who looked a lot like a devil, though he looked badass.

"then there's fourzero," he said, pointing to a pretty normal looking guy with a black and white shirt.

"and finally, bryce." he said, pointing to the last guy in the group. he was also pretty normal. he had blonde hair and a bit of a beard, wearing all black.

i give them all a small wave, them giving a wave in return.

"oh, i also have a little something for you." delirious said. he turned to wildcat, who pulled a brown bag out of his own bag.

he handed it to me to look inside of. let me tell you, what i saw was absolute heaven.

it was a burger king burger and fries.

i quite violently tore the rest of the bag open, scarfing down the whole meal in only a couple minutes. i didn't care that  the others were watching me eat like a pig, i was starving.

i wipe my hands and face off with some napkins and stand up, feeling fully energized.

"we should probably start leaving, they're gonna come back pretty soon to check on me."

they all nodded and headed down, leaving me to go last. i slid the lid back on and jumped down from the ladder into the sewage pipe.

the guys handed me multiple weapons and a mask so i could hide myself. it was a purger looking mask, glowing on and off. i took a rocket launcher and strung it behind my back, along with some grenades.

i then took 2 guns, setting them in my pockets on either side of me. with all that, i was ready to go.

"alright, lets get the hell out of here."


it'd been a couple of hours since we'd left the elites place. i'd made small talk with cartoonz, bryce, and fourzero as we walked back to the mansion.

it was mainly about how they knew the others, why they left the team, how they knew where i was, etc.

for the most part i walked ahead of the guys. they didn't want me walking behind them anymore, in fear that i might get taken or attacked again.

as i walked ahead, i heard faint whispers from behind me. i knew it was the guys, but i quieted my walking so i could hear them a bit more.

"she's a keeper dude, definitely badass."

"we're not going to let feelings get in the way of this."

"well if you guys don't want her then i'll shoot my shot...ow dude what the hell?"

"shut the hell up cartoonz, she might hear you."

i giggle a bit at their immaturity. god how i missed them all. even cartoonz, bryce, and fourzero are seeming more like family to me, even though i just met them.

as we continued our walk, i heard something coming from the sky. i'm guessing the guys didn't hear it because they continued on with their conversation.

i stopped walking, hoping to get their attention. i listened closely, shushing everyone else. i searched the dark sky for something, until i found what i was looking for. 3 helicopters were in the sky, coming this way.

"awe fuck, already?" i said, groaning.

"what's up y/n?" delirious asks.

"shit, it's the FBI, get down." i say, motioning for them to follow me as we lowered our heads and dove into a bush.

we sat there, bracing ourselves to be surrounded by police, but the sound of the helicopters only got farther and farther away.

i peeked out and saw the helicopters flying in the direction that we came from, the elites base.

"looks like the elites are about to get what they deserved." ohm says, a grin plastered to his face.

we all cheered in excitement, in victory.

we had won.

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