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it's the morning after the little 'incident' at the party.

that night after our long hug, i must've fallen asleep in their arms because when i woke up they were all asleep either on my bed or on the floor.

i thought it was really sweet that they had stayed with me all night.

i gave them each a kiss on the forehead when i had gotten up.

i put on shorts and one of delirious's big shirts, putting my hair into a messy bun.

i decided to make them all breakfast to thank them. i went into the kitchen and looked around for what i'd need.

i wanted to make them bacon, pancakes, and eggs so i had to get out some bowls and pans as well.

the bad thing was, i can barely cook.

now i know that sounds weird, i'm 19 and i can barely cook. in my defense, since i always had to move around from different places, i never had time to cook or bake anything.

that and i'm also extremely lazy.

i begin to take the bacon out of the package and lay it onto the pan. after laying it on the pan, i guess on how long to cook it.

i set it to 45 minutes at 425 degrees.

good enough.

after putting the bacon in the oven, i begin to start the pancakes. since i had nothing to look off of, i guess on what to put in it.

i put in estimated amounts of milk, eggs, sugar, flour, and other things i thought would go in pancakes.

i set that off for a minute and start the eggs.

i cracked egg after egg onto the pan but i kept getting the egg shell in there somehow. soon enough, there was egg all over the counter and my shirt.

i leave it be for the moment and get back to the pancakes. i had no idea how to cook the pancakes so i put them in the microwave. i cook for 20 minutes.

i try to clean up the egg mess, but end up slipping on the yolk and falling on my ass.

"fuck, that's gonna leave a bruise," i say rubbing my butt.

while getting up i get a quick look into the oven, only to see that they were burning. i didn't even notice that smoke was starting to seep out a bit too.

i quickly open the oven door and pull out the pan of burnt bacon.

i then violently drop the pan, forgetting oven mitts in my state of rush and panic.

i hold my hand in pain as i felt the burning sensation seep throughout my hands.

i rush to the sink, running my hands under cold water, although it didn't do much.

that's when i remembered. i forgot about the pancakes.

i shut off the sink and dry my hands in a rush. i stop the microwave and pull out the bowl of pancakes.

but it wasn't pancakes.

the batter was still in its original form, but it was bubbling. it was getting bigger and bigger by the minute, until it exploded.

into my face.

i closed my eyes just in time, but i was covered in warm batter from head to toe.

that's when i lost it.

i began to cry.

i slumped down onto the floor and cried for a good two minutes until i heard the others footsteps start to come downstairs.

"what's burning in here?" mini asks, but when they turn the corner and see me, they freeze.

i quickly stand up, wiping my tears away but it was no use.

"i'm really, really sorry. i tried to make you guys breakfast but i messed up, just like i do with everything else. i'm sorry, i'll clean it up." i ramble through sobs.

delirious rushes up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"shhh, it's ok. we'll clean the mess up, you go upstairs and take a shower. everything will be ok, we're not mad." he says stroking my hair.

i pull away and give him a small smile.

"thank you."

"it's nothing, we appreciate that you tried really hard." he said, giving me a soft smile.

i look to the boys, them giving me a nod of approval.

"now go take a shower. it'll be clean by the time you come back." he says, giving me a light push towards the stairs.

i walk up the stairs to my room to grab clothes.

on my way upstairs, i kept getting this funny feeling. it wasn't a bad feeling, not at all.

it was an amazing feeling actually.

but what was it?

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