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Delirious's POV

i slammed the laptop shut after the call. i was about to lose my shit on the elites. vanoss could tell i was angry.

"don't worry dude, we'll find her. it's 13 against 3, they don't stand a chance." vanoss said. i nodded my head, knowing he had a point.

"well, our 24 hours has started, let's start heading out. it'll be quite awhile before we reach their base." cartoonz called, already walking out the door.


we had been walking for a couple of hours, probably around 15 miles or so. we hadn't said much on the way there except for when we'd talk about how we should handle the elites.

we didn't take our motorcycles, afraid that we'd draw more attention.

after another half hour of walking we ended stopping for a 5 minute break. we all sat down, some talking, some not, when we heard footsteps our way.

we were in the middle of nowhere at the moment so we knew it was going to be one of our 'obstacles.'

we looked around until we spotted 5 men emerging from a forest, guns in hand. as soon as we were all about to have a shoot out, a loud explosion shot out in front of us, hitting the 5 men.

we covered our heads so we wouldn't get hit by branches or twigs. when the noise had died down, we looked around to see who had caused the explosion. our conclusion was lui, who was holding a rocket launcher in hand, annoyance written on his face.

we all stared at lui.

"what? i'm not dealing with these bullshit 'obstacles' right now. this is my break for fucks sakes." lui said, putting the rocket launcher back in his bag. we chuckled at lui and continued walking.


i awoke back on my mattress in the basement. i had a migraine again. i rubbed my neck and felt two small but deep cuts. it was pretty sore so i tried not to move or touch my neck.

i looked around, only to see that i wasn't alone. mark was sitting against the wall, his head in his hands, staring at me.

i didn't bother going after him, knowing i was pretty weak. instead i turned away from him and laid back down.

i could hear mark stand up. he walked over and sat next to me, stroking my hair.

thoroughly creeped out, i quickly shoved him away, making it obvious that i was uncomfortable with it.

he decided to ignore my rude gesture but stood back up, examining my walls of scribbles.

"why do you insist on fighting?" a voice asked from behind me.

i continued to face away from him in silence. not because i was ignoring him, but because i didn't know the answer myself.

"well, if i do make it out alive, i'll have my friends. and i'm still pretty young, there's so much more that i want to do. cutting it short would get me nowhere, except leaving me with a feeling of regret. regret that i didn't say goodbye to my loved ones. regret that i was selfish for not realizing all the people i've hurt. i just don't want to die." i said, getting a bit choked up.

i sat up on the mattress and sit cross-legged, staring up at the ceiling. i could tell mark was staring at me, but i still continued to look at the ceiling.

in annoyance, mark grunted and pulled a bag of crackers out of his pocket, throwing it at me. it hit me in the head, but i didn't care.

i hadn't eaten in almost 2 weeks and i was starving. i quickly opened the bag and scarfed them down in 1 minute flat.

mark had watched me eat them in silence. he was about to walk up the stairs until he stopped and looked at me, as if he was going to say something.

"they were stale by the way."

and with that, he shut the door.

jokes on you bitch, they still tasted good.

after finishing off the crackers i threw the bag across the room and stood back up. i didn't have anything to do, so i picked up a rock and continued some of my drawings. i'd made multiple drawings over the course of 2 weeks.

some of my favorites was one of a wilting flower, a galaxy, an eye crying, and a boy with no face.

there were many other drawings, but lots of them were scribbles or little doodles. as i was finishing one of my drawing, i heard footsteps. the strange thing was, they weren't coming from upstairs, but, underneath me?

obviously confused, i stand up and look around.

then out of the corner of my eye, i see something i've never noticed before. a sewage drain lid.

i stare at the lid as i hear footsteps from underneath me coming closer to it. just as i was about to walk closer, the lid is opened slowly, and out pop about 4 heads.

delirious, vanoss, wildcat, and terroriser.

my friends, they've found me.

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