party pt. 2

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i had to admit, the party was actually pretty fucking cool.

some rich kid was hosting the party. there were about 4 floors to his house, a pool and jacuzzi, a chocolate fountain, and about 7 cars of many brands.

he was loaded.

it was pretty risky being here though. while here i planned on killing. it'd been so long since i'd killed someone that i almost forgot what the pure joy of it felt like.

i kept my mouth mask on so no one would be able to tell who i was.

i decided on having a little fun before i go for my kill.

i went up each floor to find the same thing on each one, couples sucking each other's faces off, people stripping due to being drunk or pure stupidity, and dancing/grinding.

while walking around i watch everyone closely so that i could figure out who to single out. someone who most likely nobody really cared that much about.

as i was staring at a group of people in the corner, i bumped into someone, but didn't look up.

i walked past them, mumbling a quick 'sorry'.

i had almost gotten away when i was suddenly pulled back by my arm.

startled, i decided to look up at who had done such a thing. it was the same person i ran into because the clothes matched, but i didn't check the face until now.

it was mark.

"hey there gorgeous, haven't seen you around this part of town, you new?" he slurred out.

he was clearly drunk, but i don't think he knew it was me. i chose the perfect day to wear my mouth mask.

"uh y-yeah. just moved here about a week ago, thought i'd come here to meet new people." i say, trying to disguise my voice a bit so that i wouldn't tip him off.

"well maybe me and my buddies could show you around some time, they're around here somewhere." he says, looking around.

"buddies?" i say, panicked.

"yeah, jack and felix, my buddies. they're pretty cool once you get to know them." he chuckles.

"i'm mark by the way," he adds.

"oh, well, it was nice meeting you but i think i have to go. my friends are waiting for me."

i spun around to walk away but was then pinned up against a wall, both of mark's hands on either sides of my head, closing me in.

he starts to leave trails of kisses along my neck, leaving big purple marks.

i tried to shove him off but he just wouldn't budge.

he then picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and took me to one of the bedrooms, locking the door behind him.

at this moment i feared for my life.

he still had me around his waist when he pinned me against the wall again.

he started taking off my hoodie, doing everything in my power to keep in on, but it was no use.

i was crying at this point, tears streaming down my face.

i would've stabbed him by now, but when i checked my pocket, they were gone.

what the hell?

by now my hoodie was completely ripped off. tears still streaming down my face, him still leaving kisses everywhere.

i just stopped fighting, staring at the door, praying that someone would burst in.

that's when i heard it.

i heard doors near ours being opened and closed rapidly.

it was two doors away.

one door away.

then our door.

and there they were, the BBS.

they took in the whole scene, me crying, mark pinning me against the wall, the hickeys all over my body.

that's when they blew up on mark.

vanoss rushed over, throwing mark off of me, me falling to the ground, still crying.

delirious, ohm, and lui surrounded me, helping me off the ground and holding me close to them. lui gave me his jacket so i could cover up.

the three rushed me out of the room. when i looked back, vanoss, nogla, basically, moo, wildcat, mini, and terroriser were all beating the shit out of mark.

we waited outside for the others, and when they came back, they looked furious.

i was too embarrassed to look them in the eye, so i kept my head down low.

we all got on our motorcycles and sped home, not saying a word.

when we got back, i rushed to my room, slamming the door behind me.

i began sobbing. what would've happened tonight if they hadn't showed up?

i didn't even want to think about the possibilities.

i was still sobbing when they knocked on my door, asking to come in.

"whatever" i say, wiping away my tears.

as soon as they came in, they wrapped me in a hug.

and we stayed like that for a good hour.

i never wanted them to let go.

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