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it was around 2:30 am by the time i had reached the city.

the guys didn't come chasing after me, at least not that i know of. i didn't want them coming after me, i just wanted to be alone.

after vanoss had called me a whore, i've had this boiling rage sitting inside me. i know he said it it in a state of drunken rage, but it hurt me more than it should have.

but if vanoss really thought i was that much of a whore, then i guess i better start acting like it.

to start off, i needed a change. i decided to drive around the city for a hair salon. i found a 24 hour salon a couple minutes later.

i walked inside and asked how much it'd be for my hair to be dyed.


i handed her a twenty and sat down in a chair. before i knew it, my hair was a dark blue ombré. (if your hair is already blue, just change it to another bright color.)

i thanked the lady and headed back to my motorcycle.

i decided now would be the time for a perfect clothes change.

i walked into all sorts of stores like Victoria's Secret, Pink, Rue, etc. i bought a bunch of skimpy clothes such as short shorts, really short crop tops, lingerie, etc.

after my little shopping spree, i decided to do something that would put the cherry on top of this whole ordeal.

i decided to get a job at the strip club.

there was one a couple blocks away from the mall that i was currently at, so i headed there.

when i got to the strip club, i almost had to cover my ears because of how loud the music was.

there were drunk guys everywhere in the front of this place. as i walked in, they all stared at me, licking their lips.


i ignored their rude gestures and headed into the club. i was going to have to get used to it if i was going to work here.

the club was filled with old men, most likely lonely and desperate ones. it reeked of alcohol as well. i walked around the place, looking for a worker who would know where i could find the owner.

i walked up to the bar and asked the bartender if he knew where i could find the owner. he pointed towards a door in the corner of the room. i thanked him and rushed over before any more guys tried to ask for my number.

when i opened the door, i ran into a guy on accident. his breath reeked of alcohol, but he wore a stupid grin on his face.

i apologized and continued inside. inside there was a long, dimly lit hallway with many rooms. as i walked through the hallway, i could hear moans and groans coming from almost every room.

some rooms were open, some weren't. i decided not to look into the ones that were open. this must be were the customers pay to have fun.

i walked to the end of the hallway and stood in front of a big red door that said 'manager.'

thankfully, i didn't hear any moaning coming from this room.

i knocked pretty loudly since he most likely couldn't have heard me with all the noise.

the door opened and there stood a tall man in a suit. he was wearing dark glasses and had an earpiece in. he was a giant compared to me.

"what do you want?" the man asked in a stern tone.

"sorry to bother, but are you the manager? i wanted to know if i could get a job here." i asked the man.

the guy closed the door on me, but opened it up a few minutes later, gesturing me to come inside.

i stepped into the office, and to be honest it was actually pretty nice compared to the other rooms.

"take a seat darling." i man, who was in a dark blue suit, said.

there was a big desk in the middle of the room. i walked over to a chair that was directly across from the man in the dark blue suit and sat down.

the man didn't say anything for the first few minutes, just examined my body and facial features.

the guy was pretty young, 25 maybe. he had brown, curly hair with piercing green eyes. a strong build as well. he was kinda cute too.

he reached over the desk and held out a hand, to which i shook.

"so, i hear that you want to apply for a job at my club?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

i nod my head.

"i'd like to become a dancer here sir."

he nods his head and pulls out a form from within his desk and hands it to me.

he tells me to fill it out with my information, just in case he ever needed to call or email me.

i quickly fill it out and hand him back the form.

"so, do you know how to work a pole?" he asks, a smirk forming on his face.

i actually did know a couple moves. i nodded my head. he motions for the other guy and whispers something in his ear, then he walks out.

he comes back with a variety of lingeries and hands them to me.

"these are the outfits you'll be wearing. you'll be working 4 days a week. the red one for monday, black one for wednesday, blue one for friday, and purple one for sunday. you'll be starting tomorrow. be here by 7pm."

i nodded and thanked him. when i'd gotten back outside, i could see that the sun was already rising. i put my lingerie into my other shopping bags and headed back home.

by the time i'd gotten there, it was around 6 in the morning. i didn't bother to knock, so i headed inside.

when i walked in, i saw the boys all sitting on the couch. they looked like they were talking about something serious until i'd walked in and interrupted them.

delirious ran up to me and hugged me, squeezing me a bit to hard.

when he finally let go was when he started yelling.

"don't ever run off like that again. you had me worried sick y/n!" he yelled. he was about to yell something else but stopped short.

"what the hell did you do to your hair?" he questioned, taking a piece of my hair and holding it up for the guys to see.

he then noticed the bags in my hand. he snatched it from my hand and peeked inside.

"what the fuck? what's with the lingerie?" he asked.

i snatched a purple pair of panties from his hand and shoved it back into the bag.

"its for my job." i mumbled.

"what kind of job do you need this shit for," he asked, raising his voice.

"well, since vanoss decided that i was a whore, i thought i'd act like one. so i got a job at the strip club."

delirious's eyes widened, along with the others.

as if it was planned, they all said in unison, "you did what?"

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