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i'd woken up with a headache, which was odd because i felt physically fine when i went to bed. i got up and went downstairs to grab some medicine for it when i bumped into mason and terroriser, who were having a conversation.

i gave them both weird looks as to why they were just standing in the middle of the hallway. i thought nothing of it and walked past them.

i dug through the cabinet until i found the medicine i was looking for, grabbing a bottle of water so i could wash the pill down.

fitz and jaren were both playing games on their phones when i'd come down. i walked over to where they were and sat in between them, staring at the tv. it was switched to a news channel, which most of the time i liked to watch, but at the moment i couldn't care less for it.

something just doesn't feel right today, but i can't put my finger on it.

"are you guys getting a bad feeling? like something bad is going to happen today? or is that just me?" i ask the two.

they looked at me, turning their phones off. "actually, we have. me and fitz were just talking about it earlier. everything just seems off." jaren says, looking between me and fitz. fitz nodded at jaren's statement and went back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

i nodded slowly, getting up and going back upstairs. i took a quick shower and got ready for the day. i put on a white crop top with high waisted shorts. to complete the look i put on white adidas shoes, a black adidas hat, and a grey bag to keep my phone, wallet, and other personal items in.

i walked back downstairs to see everyone else was up, either playing video games, on their phones, or eating.

"we should go do something fun today, we haven't been out in a while." vanoss suggests, a warm smile on his face. everyone nods in agreement. "wait, where would we go though?" cartoonz questions.

immediately me, bordie, and bee all give each other a look, all of us having a huge smile on our faces. that's when all 3 of us scream what we were thinking.

"the mall!" we squeal. the room was immediately filled with groans from the guys. "oh shut up. the last time i went shopping was when i had to rob the mall a few months ago." i say. the GBG give me a weird look.

"long story, i'm not explaining. anyways, and i haven't gone shopping with bordie and bee in years, it'll give us time to catch up!" i whine, giving the boys puppy dog eyes.

"fine, we'll go. but i swear to god if were in there for more than 4 hours, i'm leaving you all there and going home" fitz says, pointing at me, bordie, and bee.

we nod and head out the door. we ended up taking about 3 cars in total to fit us all, 2 of them being ubers.

the car that i was in was vanoss's car, which held me, vanoss, ohm, moo, wildcat, mason, and swagger. our car got there first since we left earlier, deciding not to wait for the others to get in their ubers.

we waited in the parking lot for the others who eventually got there, 10 minutes later to be exact.

there were 4 groups total and 22 of us. the first groups consisted of me, bee, bordie, delirious, mason, and cam. we each needed someone to test swatches on. i had mason while bordie had delirious and bee had cam.

the second group consisted of ohm, moo, terroriser, swagger, vanoss, nogla, and kryoz. they went to go look at shoes.

the third group consisted of toby, jaren, cartoonz, and mini. they went to go look at clothes since they were the fashion gods. (toby and jaren mainly ;) )

and the last group consisted of wildcat, fourzero, basically, lui, and bryce. they all went to the food court to see what there was.

we all split up and went out different ways, planning to meet up at the fountain at 3:00. it was currently 12:30.

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