this means war

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we rode back to the mansion after hanging at the barn for a bit and discussing how we were going to sort this whole thing out.

it was dark on the way back, probably around 11. as we were on our way back, i kept getting this uneasy feeling that we, or i, was being watched.

since i'm the boys new 'bodyguard' or whatever you want to call it, i stayed in the back to make sure no one was following us.

let's just say that i failed to do so.

we were all blasting our own music so it was hard to hear really anything, when i was slammed off my bike.

i lay there for a couple seconds, dazed, letting a little bit of the pain slowly seep away.

i groaned in agony, slowly taking my helmet off. there were a few scratches here and there and a gash on my cheek, but nothing broken.

i stood up and looked around to see who had done this. as i was looking around, i watched the guys ride off, not noticing that i had been thrown off.

i was about to pick my bike back up until i heard footsteps behind me.

"hello mark," i sigh, turning around and crossing my arms.

"hello y/n, you haven't changed a bit since the last time i saw you." he grins.

i eye roll him. "oh i've changed, more than you know."

smirking, i slowly pull out a knife from under my skirt.

as i was about to strike, i heard more footsteps behind me.

dammit. i shove the knife back into my underwear waistband and turn around. to no surprise, i was met with two more very familiar faces.

felix and jack.

i turn to mark.

"do you always have to take them? like are you 3 a package deal or what?" i huff, getting more annoyed by the second.

they all chuckled. "we're a group, what do you expect?"

i grumble, but don't answer.

"what do you guys want? i was living a happy 4 years without you guys and now you suddenly show back up? no warning? what's the deal?." i question.

felix and jack begin to walk up to me, but i backed away as they got closer.

i was about to bolt, but when i tried to turn around a ran right into mark, falling to the ground.

"grab her."

and with that, felix and jack forcefully pick me up by my arms, holding them so that i wouldn't struggle.

"we came here to kill you. we'll let you get a heads start. i could kill you right now, but that wouldn't be as fun, now would it?" he smirked.

i was getting angrier and angrier by the minute.

i had to get out of their grasp.

that's when an idea popped into my head. felix and jacks grips were loosening a bit, so i took the opportunity to elbow them both in the stomach.

they released me, holding their guts in agony. that's when i took the chance to swiftly kick mark in the groin.

i missed, but did kick his stomach instead. it surprisingly didn't faze him that much though.

i was on my bike and about to speed off, when i felt this sharp pain in my side.

i had been stabbed.

i look up at mark with wide eyes, only to see him panting but smiling.

"take this as your warning." he then disappeared into the dark, along with the others.

after he had disappeared, i sped off back towards the mansion. i didn't take the knife out, knowing that if i did, i'd probably bleed out and faint.

as i pulled into the driveway, the guys were hopping onto their bikes and about to leave, until they saw me.

they all quickly scrambled off their bikes and ran towards me.

"what the hell y/n! where were you?" terroriser yelled.

i ignored them and stumbled inside. i just wanted this knife out.

the others still hadn't noticed my wound except for the gash i had on my face.

"where's your bathroom?" i ask, feeling a bit dizzy.

"upstairs to the left, why?" delirious questions.

i don't reply and quickly walk up the stairs, the boys following.

i sat on the floor of the bathroom, panting like a dog.

i hurriedly ripped my shirt off, leaving my bra on, not caring that they were watching me.

"woah woah y/n, what're you do-" vanoss paused. that's when they saw it, the pocket knife that had been impaled into my side.

it was a pretty clean cut, no torn flesh around it, but there was a great deal of bleeding.

that's when i did the only thing i could think of at the moment, the adrenaline thumping in my ears.

i ripped it out.

it was excruciating.

tears streamed down my face as i screamed bloody murder.

they all quickly crouched down to my level to help me. vanoss took my shirt and pressed it against my wound until basically came back with a wet towel.

the wound had stopped bleeding at this point, but it still felt like hell.

no arteries were punctured and no stitches will be needed, but it will be leaving a scar.

moo took a huge band aid pad and placed it on top of my wound. then they wrapped the wound in bandages until it was around my whole waist and stomach.

wildcat and nogla helped me to delirious's bed. he didn't want me sleeping on the mattress in the cell, so he allowed me to sleep on his bed tonight.

i told them all what happened while they got me situated into bed. they left the room so that I could change into one of delirious's hoodies.

since i don't have any clothes he let me borrowed his hoodie so that i wouldn't be sleeping in blood soaked clothes.

i was about to fall asleep when i heard them all walk into the room. i pretended i was asleep, just incase they said anything. they were silent for a couple of minutes until i heard vanoss whisper.

"i hope they know this means war."

they all nodded in agreement.

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