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i didn't want to ride back to the mansion, incase they were possibly following us, which was unlikely.

i led the boys to the woods. after driving down a dirt road for a couple of minutes, we were there.

it was an abandoned barn. my old home before i had robbed enough stores to buy my own apartment.

the barn was pretty beat up, as any abandoned thing would be. the paint was pretty much chipped off, the walls were falling apart, it just basically looked like shit.

we parked our motorcycles behind the barn so no one would be able to see them.

i led them all inside the huge barn. it was dusty, dirt and hay strands everywhere.

i lie down on a block of hay and stare at the ceiling, rubbing my forehead.

my god they're all going to give me migraines.

suddenly i was violently sat up by someone pulling my arm. that someone, was vanoss.

in fact they all looked pretty pissed at me. oh well.

"you're lucky i haven't strangled you yet. pull something like that again and you won't even know what hit you." he growled, releasing my arm.

i flipped him off as a turned to sit criss crossed.

vanoss ran full speed at me, ready to probably kill me, but was held back by nogla, delirious, and ohm.

i smirked, sticking my tongue out at him.

vanoss shrugged the others off of him, crossing his arms to look at me.

"so, you gonna tell us who those three guys were back there? or do we have to force it out of you?" vanoss said, cracking his knuckles.

i stood up and pushed him away gently.

"calm down owl, why so violent today?" i question.

they all watch me as i climb the ladder to the hay loft and sat on one of the roof beams.

vanoss grunted, but didn't reply.

"their names are mark, jack, and felix. also known as the elites. they're one of the top best well known murderers in the U.S. thought u guys would've known that," i say, playing with a strand of hair.

all i heard we're mumbles from the others, but continued.

"i used to work with them. when i was around 12. they formed me into who i am today." i start to mumble a bit.

"but when i was around 15, i betrayed them. i tried to kill them." i say, scratching the back of my neck.

"i don't know why, but a switch was kinda flipped in me. it was as if all of a sudden, i just hated everyone. i wanted everyone to suffer, but i didn't know why, y'know?" i ask the others.

they slowly nodded their heads, though i could tell that they didn't know.

"so that night, i tried stabbing mark, jack, and felix all at once. not very smart of me. after i realized that i wouldn't be able to fight them off, i fled. and ever since that day, they've hated me." i say, shaking my head.

i look down at the others and smiled. they looked at me as if i was crazy, which i was.

i jumped down from the beam and stood in front of the others. "but, whatcha gonna do about it?" i say shrugging my shoulders.

i begin to walk out of the barn and back to the bikes when i was pulled back inside.

"so you expect us to just do absolutely nothing while three very dangerous guys go around LA looking for you? and you want us to do nothing?" delirious asks, raising an eyebrow.

"well what can i do? i can't fight them or anything, they'll end up murdering me! remember that they're the ones who trained me to become a murderer, they know all my tactics!" i state.

delirious put his hand on his temple, slowly rubbing it. he then ordered the guys to follow him outside, leaving me in the barn so that i wouldn't be able to hear them.

i played with my hair as i waited for them to come back in.

when they did come back in, they all stood in a circle around me. "so....whatcha guys doin?" i ask.

"we've come up with a plan. we'll protect you from them, as long as you'll be our extra body guard for when we go on missions." vanoss says.

i stroke my chin as if in thought, then sigh.

"fine, whatever."

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