training pt. 2

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i ran upstairs and stopped when i got to the top. to get to the other staircase, you had to pass through a long hallway with many doors on each side.

"son of a bitch," i murmur as i try to figure out how to get out of this one.

i decided to just walk through and to be prepared for whatever happens.

there were about 8 doors in total in this hallway, 4 doors on each side.

maybe if i was quiet enough, i'd be able to sneak past.

i tip toed as fast and as quiet as i could. i was already past about 6 of the doors, so i was almost there, until i stepped on a loose part of the floor. a loud creak sounded from the floor boards, loud enough to alert whoever was in one of these rooms.

i look around nervously, trying to make sure nobody heard, which they most likely did anyways.

suddenly ohm, lui, and terroriser burst out of the two rooms that were on both of my sides.

they all ran at me at once. panicked, i ducked and ran out of the way just in time for them to crash into each other. when i turned around, they were all on the ground, motionless except for their slow breathing.

dumbasses, they knock themselves out. they must've all bumped heads a little too hard.

well that was easy.

5 down, 5 to go.

i swiftly tip toed up the third floor of stairs, taking in my surroundings to see any possible places the others could be hiding.

to get to the fourth flight of stairs, all i had to do was walk to the other side of the room. the problem was, there were like 20 rooms on this floor, so they could pop out at any minute.

and to add on to that, right in the middle of the room on the ceiling, there's a door to the attic.

it's like one of those attics where you have to pull a foldable ladder down from the attic to get up there.

i knew someone was in the attic for sure, so i quietly walked over to the attic door and pulled it open.

and, just as i predicted, out came vanoss and mini.

i'm guessing they didn't expect me to open the door on them, so when they fell out, vanoss landed on mini, knocking the wind out of mini.

mini was already down, but since vanoss technically didn't land on the floor, he could still get me.

i went to kick vanoss in the face, but i'm guessing he saw it coming because as soon as my foot was about to make impact with his face, he grabbed my foot and flipped me to the ground

my forehead smacked the ground hard, but i knew i'd be alright.

i decided to take the opportunity to act like i'd passed out, so when he came to check on me i could flip him over.

i laid on the ground motionless, pretending to be knocked unconscious.

"y/n? you alright?" i heard vanoss ask me. i didn't reply.

"basically, come out here. i think she's seriously hurt." i heard vanoss yell.

i heard a door open and close and someone come running towards me.

"the fuck did you do?" i heard basically ask vanoss.

vanoss rolled me over onto my backside to check to see if i had any serious injuries.

as they checked on me, they were both leaning in on both sides of me, studying my face.

i opened my eyes and grinned at them both.

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