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i gave matt a blank stare, not knowing what to say. the BBS killed jay? no, that can't be right.

"w-what do you mean, 'they killed jay?'" i stutter, desperate to know if this was true, or if this was all a lie.

matt didn't answer, instead he turned away from me and buried his face in his hands. becoming impatient, i grab matt by the shoulders and spin him around to face me.

i pull his hands away from his face to see a few tears streaming down. i held onto matt's hands, squeezing them hard.

"matt, what do you mean they killed jay?" i repeated, growing more upset by the second. tears started to stream down my face as i waited for a reply. he still didn't answer, instead he looked past me towards the wall behind me.

i was about to lose my shit. "matt, what the fuck do you mean they killed jay?" i scream, now almost in hysterics. i was grabbing onto the sides of matt's arms, shaking him like he was a rag doll, as i was practically begging for an answer.

now with a look of fear, matt grabbed onto my shoulders to stop me from shaking him, pulling my arms off of him. he took a step back from me and leaned against his desk, rubbing his injured hand across his face, smearing his cheek in blood.

he didn't seem bothered by it as he started to speak.

"after the gang split, jay was devastated, as most of us were. but something was different about jay now, it was like a part of him was gone. his lively personality kinda just vanished. our friend group meant the most to him, but after you left and the gang drifted apart, he was broken."

"i offered him to stay at my place, mainly to keep watch over him. he eventually came to live with me, but he was still always upset all the time. only as time drifted by did he start to develop a more constant emotion"

matt drew in a shaky breath and continued.

"anger. he was always angry. no matter what it was, even if it was you just looking at him the wrong way, he'd become furious. he'd smash dishes, throw anything he could pick up, get into fights with people, you name it."

"well soon jay ended up getting himself into deep shit. he started a gang. i have no idea how he did it, but all those guys out there were apart of jay's gang. i wasn't too involved in anything him or his gang did, i kinda just let them do what they wanted."

"for fucks sake matt, just get to the point already" i groan, wiping a few tears away.

he held up his hand for me to be quiet and went on.

"this part gets a little blurry on details, but jay and his gang somehow got caught up with another gang, the BBS. they were pretty chill with them for awhile, and i will admit that i liked them myself for the time being, but that all changed quickly. as you know, being in a gang has some benefits. you can make money plenty of ways, whether it be robbery, drug dealing, or whatever. lets just say that they made a fucking fortune." he said, emphasizing the word fortune.

he could tell that i looked doubtful towards the claim he made, so he grabbed my hand and took me to the back corner of the room. he moved over a large filing cabinet, and right under was a small door with a lock on it. he typed in whatever the password was and opened the door. i couldn't see much, so i grabbed my phone and turned on my flashlight. i stuck my head in, shining my flashlight all around. my jaw immediately dropped in awe.

sitting there were hundreds, probably thousands of 100 dollar bills. they were all wrapped in large stacks, held together by rubber bands. the secret compartment was about 7 feet tall, length and width wise, and around 5 feet in height. there was a ladder that led into the room, but i didn't feel the need to go in there.

i lifted my head back up and shut my flashlight off, a look of shock and amazement plastered on my face. all i could muster to say was 'holy shit.'

matt didn't say a word, closing the door and moving the filing cabinet back into place.

he went and sat on the couch as he continued the backstory. i leaned against the desk as he went on.

"jay would talk about us all the time with the BBS. i mean we were his friends, why wouldn't he? he also considered the BBS his friends at one point. he talked about you the most, from you guys first meeting to when you ran away. i'm guessing that's how the BBS came to know who you were."

"they also eventually learned of the fortune that jay and his gang were making. they would always question jay about where he kept the money, but he never told them. i'm the only one who knows where it is, and now you of course." he says, nodding in my direction.

"well one day jay noticed that some of his members were missing. comes to find out that the BBS had kidnapped a few of them and were interrogating them about where the money was, but obviously the kidnapees had no idea where it was. jay took me and the remaining members of his gang to go and free the others, but as we were escaping with the members, the BBS saw us."

matt's eyes started to get red again, and i could tell that he was on the verge of tears, as was i.

"we started a shootout immediately. few were injured, but as we were trying to leave, jay got caught in some of the crossfire and was hit in the stomach. he died almost instantly."

his voice cracked on the last sentence and a few tears fell from matt's face. my face became pale and i suddenly felt very faint. matt looked up at me and gave me a concerned look, quickly standing up to help me to the couch, thinking that i might pass out.

tears wet my cheeks, the last sentence matt said replaying in my head over and over again, like a broken record.

jay was another one of my closest friends, even closer then mason or bee. after i left i heard from the others that they hadn't heard about him or matt in awhile, so i assumed that they just moved on.

never in a million would i have thought that jay, my best friend since i was a toddler, would be dead.

suddenly something struck me, a memory. it was when i was first kidnapped by the BBS and forced into the helicopter.

it was a distant memory because it was so long ago, but i remember just enough to know that we were in some deep shit.

"so how long do you plan on keeping me?" i ask, turning to the boys.

"long enough for us to steal the-" moo was quickly cut off by another slap to the head by vanoss.

it was all coming back to me now. the BBS were using me, and probably now the Misfits too to find a way to the money.

and it wouldn't be very long until they try and pull something.

i stand up quickly and grab matt's hand, dragging him out the door of his office and out the building. the other boys gave us both weird looks, but i didn't care.

before we got any farther, matt stopped abruptly, unwilling to be pulled any further.

"where the hell are we going y/n? why are you in such a rush all of a sudden?" he asks.

i quickly explain the small flashback to him, his face turning from a look of confusion to one of worry.

"if the BBS think that i know where the money is, they're going to think that the Misfits know where it is. and i know that they don't have much of a problem with hurting them, but they have a bit of a softer spot for me." i say, starting my way back to the mansion, matt right on my trail.

"so what do you plan on doing?" matt asks, picking up his pace so that he's right next to me.

"oh i plan on raising all hell tonight."

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