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"1...2...3...charge!" i yelled, giggling like a child on christmas day. delirious and mini run full speed at each other, me on delirious's back and terroriser on mini's back.

we were holding empty paper towel rolls and sword fighting with them while the others watched in amusement. our goal was to knock the other person down.

i begin to smack terroriser in the face while delirious tries to shove mini. i end up getting shoved a bit, causing me to lean back too far and ultimately collapse on top of delirious.

we all erupted in fits of chuckles and giggles. as we brush ourselves off and start up another round, wildcat motions us to the TV.

we gather around the flatscreen to see that it was the news channel.

breaking news, we have incoming reports about the infamous gang " the elites." they've been captured and arrested as of Friday afternoon. we'll keep you all updated once we get more details on the situation.

i laugh. it'd been almost 2 months since i'd been rescued from the elites base. after we left, the FBI just so happened to get tipped off onto where they were.

somehow they got away before they could get arrested, but it seems like luck has ran out for them now.

"fucktards get what they deserve. hope they get the death penalty." i say, disgust dripping from my words like poison.

the others agreed.

after shutting off the TV, the others continued another round of sword fighting while i headed to the kitchen for a snack.

i open the fridge and pull out a bowl of raspberries. as i start to eat a few of the fruits, cartoonz walks in, something hidden behind his back.

we let cartoonz, bryce, and fourzero stay at our place in a way of saying thanks to being a big help in saving me.

"catch," i say as i throw a raspberry at him to which he catches in his mouth, giving me a thumbs up.

he sits in the chair across from me, saying nothing.

i raise an eyebrow at him but say nothing, slowly eating my fruit.

then he pulls out a nerf gun, sliding it to me. a devilish grin forms on my face. he pulls one of his own out too.

"two words. nerf war." he says, smiling.

i nod rapidly and quickly put the raspberries away. this was going to be extra fun since we had no other nerf guns in the house. i'm guessing he bought these when he went out for food and other appliances the other day.

he hands me a bag with a shit load of darts in it. how he ended up having so many, i had no idea.

when we walked back in the living room the boys had stopped sword fighting and were now watching some show, facing away from us.

me and cartoonz look at each other, giving a nod.

"oh boys." i say, holding out the s.

they all turn around to face me. their once happy face turned into one of horror. i took my first shot and aimed at vanoss's forehead, hitting him straight on.

he pulled the dart that was stuck to his forehead off, throwing it as if it were a bug.

"i suggest you run." cartoonz chuckles out.

the others quickly scrambled to get away from us, running god knows where in the house. once everyone was hit, we won.

it's something that we started awhile ago. it could happen anywhere, any place, at anytime. nerf wars were basically a tradition here. after every game is finished, you're forced to throw out the nerf guns so you don't have a way of self defense next game.

the only person that really wins are the ones that start the war.

i tell cartoonz to start upstairs while i checked downstairs. i scavenged the dining room, kitchen, gaming room, and bathroom, but end up finding no one.

that's when i heard a slight shuffle coming from one of the bedrooms, and someone telling another to be quiet.

i walk into the room and turn on the light. immediately i notice 3 figures from under the closet door. i act like i don't see them and leave the room, only to come back a few minutes later to catch them off guard.

i then quickly throw open the door and shoot basically, nogla, and bryce in the head.

i fist bump the air and stick my tongue out at them.

"you better put that tongue back in your face before i bite it off," basically says, obviously annoyed/angry. he was never a huge fan of nerf wars, especially since he was one of the first ones out every time.

the 3 walked to the living room and sat on the couch, where you go after you've been hit.

i scan a few more rooms and find mini and ohm hiding under a bed in another guest bedroom, to which i shot them both.

so far the couch is filled with 9 people. i found bryce, ohm, nogla, basically, and mini while cartoonz found vanoss, delirious, fourzero, and lui.

this was going to be a fairly short game, to which i wasn't all surprised since me and cartoonz are the best with headshots.

me and cartoonz were on the third floor by now, having already covered the first and second. we had 3 other members to find, terroriser, wildcat, and moo.

let's just say the game only lasted another 10 minutes after that because they were all found hiding in the arcade room, laughing and playing video games. i'm guessing they forgot we were at war or they didn't give 2 fucks. either way, we ended up shooting them all in the back of the head.

after gathering downstairs in the living room, most of the guys reminisced about how it was unfair that the 2 best shooters partnered up or that we were hAcKiNg.

i laughed at their dumb remarks and went outside to the dumpster to throw mine and cartoonz's guns away.

as i was doing so, i had this eerie feeling that i was being watched.

it felt a little like deja vu, if you may.

i quickly rushed back into the house, but not before catching a glimpse of someone running behind the house.

i quickly ran inside, rushing to tell the others what i'd seen, but came back to them all being held at gun point by men in black hoodies.

the window behind them was smashed, my way of guessing how they'd gotten in.

that's when they noticed my presence. 1 of them pointed their gun at me. i slowly pulled out my knife, ready to attack, when i caught a glimpse of one of the intruders hair. it was a pastel, mixed of blues, pinks, oranges and yellows. basically a rainbow.

then i noticed another intruder, who had a helmet on, one that looked like what a knight might wear.

then another intruder who's head was shaved, but looked pretty young.

that's when i recognized them all. a grin spread across my face as i put my weapon back.

"what's up misfits. nice to see you fitz, zuckles, and swagger. i will admit, that's one way to make a fucking entrance."

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