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i awoke to the sun pouring out of the blinds in my room. i covered my eyes with my hand and sat up, only to lay right back down. the pain was still a bit overwhelming, but definitely not as bad as it was last night.

i was going to go back to sleep when i realized the silence. silence was pretty impossible when you live in a house with 21 other people, so i knew something was up.

that's when i remembered that the others had left last, but where to? they'd also all left without me, which was pretty odd since they usually wouldn't leave me without telling me where they were going.

i got up slowly and walked around the house, finding no one. i couldn't just call the police and file a missing persons report, and it's only been about 12 hours since i'd last seen them. they left around 1am and it's 1pm now.

i figured i'd just wait until they come home, and if they weren't back within the next 24 hours, then i'd look for them myself.

to pass the time i decided to make myself a sandwich since i hadn't eaten in a while. there wasn't much i could do with my injury, so i walked around the house again to possibly get an idea of what i could do.

i eventually made my way to the training area, to which i found throwing knives. i might as well train as much as i could since i couldn't go on any missions for a while. i picked up a few knives and threw them at some dummies on the other side of the room, hitting most of he targets.

i threw about 10 to 15 until i heard the door open. i stopped what i was doing and listened. i heard a lot of people coming in, so i knew it was the rest of the crew, but they were yelling. i picked up all of the knives and put them back, walking to the doorway and peeking out to see what was going on.

"you two are so fucking dead"

"mason go grab my gun"

"take them to the basement"

that was what i kept hearing. i couldn't tell who was saying what, or what anyone was yelling at.  everyone was crowded around something, but i couldn't see what.

"what the hell are you guys yelling about?" i ask, walking out from the training room. everyone turned to me, shocked that i was up.

the group quickly realized that i was wondering what they were talking about, and started to circle around whatever they had brought in, leaving me unable to see what it was.

"y/n, you're up! i didn't think you'd be getting out of bed for a while, glad to see you're doing well. if you don't mind, we need to take care of some business in the basement." delirious said in a rushed voice. everyone nodded in agreement and started to slowly shuffle their way to the basement, making sure i couldn't see what they were hiding.

they weren't going to get away that easy.

"what are you guys hiding?" i say, crossing my arms. nobody seemed to know what to say, so i started to walk over and find out for myself.

"y/n i really wouldn't do that if i were you." fitz said, giving me a stern look.

now it was my turn to give him a stern look. "fitz, move before i rip your dick off and shove it up your ass." i say. he raised his eyebrows but moved out of the way.

"i'll have you know that's sexual harassment" he says, but i brush off his dumbass remark and turn to where fitz once stood.

there, hands tied behind their back and mouthed duct taped shut, were alex and ezra. the others eventually moved out of the way, knowing that there was no use in covering them now.

i turn to the others with an annoyed look. they all had ashamed looks on their faces, knowing that i was pretty pissed off.

"what the hell was the point of all this?" i ask, pointing to alex and racc, who were now just standing there awkwardly.

"well our original plan was to kill them for letting those guys shoot you, but we kinda hoped you wouldn't be up so you wouldn't know." moo said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"did you think that killing them would satisfy me? it technically wasn't their fault, it was the douchebags who were after them." i say, now turning to alex and racc. i walked over and started to take the tape and rope off of them.

"wow, y/n's actually being a decent human being, who knew that was possible" racc says, earning a flick to the ear from me.

after my little rant, the others stayed quiet, giving each other small glances, not knowing what to say.

after a few minutes of me staring at the others, hoping they'd say something but only getting silence, i groaned and walked up to alex and racc, dragging them out the door with me.

we stood on the porch in silence for a few minutes until i spoke up.

"sorry about that, they're all fucking insane sometimes." i say, looking at them with a look of pity.

"you're all serial killers, of course you guys are insane." alex says, letting out a small chuckle.

i laugh a little, then let out a loud sigh. "i'm getting a migraine from this. just go, i'll handle the others later. but i never want to see you guys again. i may have been a little soft on you just now, but you have caused way too much trouble for me. next time i see either of you two, you're dead." i say, giving them both a smile.

and with that, i walked inside and slammed the door.


sorry about the delay in chapter lately! i've been on break and spending time with my family. this chapter is really bad, which i'm also sorry about, but i promise i'll make it up soon! btw, thank you for 4k reads, love you guys!


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