they're back

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as i was on the roof, i looked around for an escape route.

there wasn't really anywhere for me to go since their house was in the middle of nowhere.

that's when i saw it, a motorcycle.

i quickly slid down from the roof and walked up to the motorcycle. it was purple with white stripes along the sides.

i'm guessing it was an extra because there was a bit of dust and cobwebs on it. i brushed it all off as fast as i could and hopped on.

as soon as i started the engine, they all ran out the front door, their eyes meeting mine.

i back out of the driveway in a rush, speeding down the road at god knows how fast.

i peeked over my shoulder to see the others getting onto their own motorcycles. moo and lui were already speeding after me.

i had no idea where i was going, so i went wherever the road took me, which was into town.

the others were still following me, but they were pretty far behind.

if you saw us riding around together, you'd probably think we were a biker gang or something.

as i rode further through town, i quickly stopped the motorcycle and parked it in a cafe parking lot. i hopped off and ran down an alleyway.

the boys saw where i was going and did the same thing.

as i was about to turn the corner into another alleyway, i stopped dead in my tracks, hearing other voices.

familiar voices.

i heard running from behind me, i knew it was the boys. i slowly turned around, putting a finger over my mouth, signaling for them to be quiet.

at first they were angry because of me telling them what to do, but then they stopped, a look of confusion on their faces.

"wait here" i whispered to the others as i peeked around the corner.

hiding behind a garbage can, i watched in horror as my worst nightmares came true.

'how did they find me?'

'i thought i got rid of them years ago?'

'and why do they look so...different?'

all these questions were racing around in my mind.

"i'm telling you guys, she's here. she's here in LA somewhere, we just have to look." i heard one say.

"she better be here, and if she isn't, you're dead." said the other.

"will you two knock it off? he's right, she's here. i can sense it." said the third.

dammit. i knew it wouldn't take that long until they found me again.

i tried peeking around the corner again to see what they were doing, but my clumsy ass accidentally knocked over a bottle, making a loud crash as the glass shattered.

i bit my tongue. fuck.

i heard them walking my way.

"someone's here." one said.

as they got closer i quickly crawled away, back to the other side of the alley.

i scrambled to get up, the boys faces meeting my pale one.

"run." i whispered.

they knew something was wrong.

we all bolted back to the motorcycles, hopping back on and getting started at lightning speed.

i motioned for the others to follow me as we rode our bikes out of town.

i turned around to double check they didn't see me, but boy oh boy was i wrong.

at the entrance of the alleyway, there they were. all three of them, staring at me with smirks plastered on their faces.

mark, jack, and felix.

they're back

son of a bitch.

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