12. too much

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It's been about a week since Louis and Harry's adventure to the bar and Harry was getting nervous. They said hello every day when they saw each other coming in from work (or going to work), and they texted sometimes. But they hadn't made plans to see each other again.

It's probably my turn to ask, Harry thought to himself. But the thought of asking Louis out was enough to make him shake and he wasn't sure he could do that right now.

Sighing, he decided to watch an episode of Netflix while his dinner baked. One of the characters in the show, however, reminded him exactly of Louis and suddenly his mind was racing. Wonderful.

Harry grunted and took out his phone to send a quick text. Lou had been flirting a lot lately over text. And Harry and Louis had kissed a few times that morning when they made breakfast together. But Harry wasn't sure what that meant. Were they seeing each other? Or was it just something casual? He wasn't sure.

Harry: hey Lou
Harry: miss you :( when are we hanging out?

Louis responded a few minutes later.

Louis: hey Hair Bear
Louis: whenever you want, I've been free :)

Harry: that nickname is atrocious
Harry: Lou Bear
Harry: now that's cute
Harry: tomorrow night. Dinner?

Louis: let's get tacos
Louis: I know a joint three towns over
Louis: mini road trip

Harry: I'll drive
Harry: see you at 7

Louis: cool :)

Cool? What was cool? And a smiley face? Maybe he was being friend zoned. But friends don't kiss other friends... do they?

Harry sat on the couch, anxiety bubbling in his chest. For a minute he thought about calling Niall for advice, but that thought was quickly shut down when he remembered that Niall was... well. Not around. 

When his dinner was finally ready, Harry didn't feel so hungry anymore. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and Niall's voice was replaying over and over in his head. "Go, just go!"

Harry felt sick to his stomach and crumpled into the couch, barely breathing. Just gasping for air, sobbing into his pillow.

All he wanted right now was for someone to hold him. For someone to tell him it would be okay. For someone to undo everything that brought him to this point. To make it so Moscow never happened. To make Niall come back.

Harry must have passed out because he woke up a while later, feeling dazed and confused. His head hurt and his stomach ached. He had work in nearly an hour, though, so he sat up and grabbed a water bottle and some crackers, downing them before he hit the shower.

In the shower, he closed his eyes and tried to think of something calming, relaxing. He thought of Louis rubbing his back, stroking his cheek. He thought of them kissing, hugging, cuddling.

And then he started to feel okay. 


"Hey! Oh no, Harry, you don't look so good, honey," Louis said as he got into the passenger seat of Harry's car. "I mean, you look hot. As always. But you look unwell."

"Didn't get much sleep the last two nights," Harry said, his voice dry and emotionless. He checked his puffy eyes and pale face in the mirror. He didn't look that bad did he?

"Aww. Well do you want me to drive so you can rest?" Louis offered.

"No, it's okay," Harry replied. "Driving calms me down. So how was your week?"

"Good," Louis replied. "I mean as good as it can be. Someone said something about my outfit at work. It was too 'distracting.' I was wearing a long sleeved shirt. It just happened to be pink."

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