Chapter 10

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Photo- black veil brides

One week later

Today it had been a week since I called Victoria every-time I call her she ends the call in me it it's really starting to piss me off.

Today I need to get ready to go warped tour with black veil brides just as a photographer because there manager liked some of the photos I've taken in the past I'm getting picked up at around 2pm and it's currently 12:00pm so I've only got 2 hours to make sure I've remembered to pack everything. Apparently on the bus That I'm going to be stoping on it's only the band members of black veil brides and Andy Biersacks girlfriend so I'm not gonna be the only girl, which is a good thing.

2 hours later.
I was standing outside with my bags waiting for the bus to come pick me up I was watching down the road until I finally saw the bus. I smiled as the bus pulled up and then Ashley Purdy and Andy Biersack both came out Ashley grabbed my bags while Andy stood greeting me. "Long time no see" Andy said giving me a hug. "Puff it's only been like what three years" I said giggling. Wow it was only three years and a couple of months that I was fangirling over them  and now I'm touring with them technically for the second time since it was in tour with both Asking Alexandria and black veil brides that I left. "I'm so glad to see now you've changed so much" Andy said leading me  onto the bus.

"Here let me show you which is yours bunk" a women said approaching us I assume she's andys girlfriend since there's only one other women. Which means her names Juliet. "Okay thank you" I replied as she lead the way. "My bunk is opposite yours but I will probably spend most of my time in Andy's bunk which is above you. Ashley's is below you and ccs is above mine and jakes is next to mine while jinx is next to yours. Is that okay" she said smiling. "Yh thank you, do u know when the first show is." I asked while placing my backpack into my bunk.

"Well we arrive there today at 6:00pm and the. Tomorrow we will have a day off to explore while there's no fans and then the day after the boys have a show at around 3pm and then we drive to the next place" she said while passing me a schedule and a land yard. "The land yard is your pass what ever you do don't lose it I learnt my lesson after doing that I thought the security guard was going to murder me" she said laughing away. "Well its a good job I'm good at keeping thing on Me" I said as we walked into the main area

all the boys were watching Batman. "I see mr.Biersack is still obsessed with batman" I giggled joined by Juliet. "I bet your still obsessed with naruto" Andy said "well duh you can't just ditch naruto it's so fun and entertaining" I said acting offended. "So Laura how have you been" Ashley said "pretty good what about you" I questioned back. "The same old really not really done owt different" Ashley said not looking fazed.

We all continue catching up as Batman was on as back ground noise we all finally arrived at the bus park so we decided to get McDonald's at alcohol because there was going to be s get together party so me and Juliet say in the back room doing each other's makeup and hair until Andy came in and pulled Juliet onto his lap. "Hey I was doing her makeup" I said acting like a three year old which caused Andy to laughing which made Juliet fall but she just sat in the floor laughing

Another hour passed when people started to crowd out in the bus park I could see a fire was lit and a few seats and tables full of booze and speakers which was blasting music me and Juliet had made a pack to stay together and sort each others drunk asses out when we had to much to drink which made me giggle because I was so used to seeing everyone else that I was close to drunk so I knew there alcohol tolerance but I don't have a clue about Juliet's maybe she's like me and had a high one or she had a low one like many other people I know so this was exiting.

We all finally decided to join the party outside which was strange to me because I am I fan of most of the bands out here and I wouldn't of dreamed seeing them well not seeing them but having a party with them I explained all of that to Juliet and she told me I was going to be just fine. We all exited the bus and walked straight to the alcohol and started drinking I had a fruity cocktail and Juliet had the same but hers was all berry's. We drank those slowly I didn't really like mine but I felt rude not to drink it so I just sipped it until it was all gone

As the place got more packed I began wondering around since Juliet had gone to find Andy. As I walked around I noticed someone that looked hell of a lot familiar so I continued to approach them until the finally turned around.

"Sam" I yelled while running to give him a hug. "Hey Laura" he said returning your hug. I don't know what came over me but I started to cry. I mean I should if forgotten these guys after three fucking years but for some reason I hadn't for the short time I new then they was like family. "I heard owt if you in ages" Sam said parting from the hug. "Same" I replied as somebody hugged me from behind. Which made me jump.

So I turned around to see good old ginger beard. "What's up" Danny said while smiling and brushing  tears away from my cheeks. "I'm just shocked to see you after what happened" I said while more tears leaked from my eyes. "I don't get why you didn't speak to us it wasn't us that had upset you" Danny said while crossing his arms. "I was just two upset" I said while looking to the ground.

"Don't you think any of us where upset that you left" two more voices said behind me. "I know guys but you don't understand everything was reminding me of it even talking to v reminded me of it" I said trying to convince them, well more convince myself. "Was that your perfetic excuse" Danny spat out. "No! Please guys I'm sorry" I said I never really thought about it this way before I didn't realise that by leaving it was upsetting the guys. "We don't want to hear your apology we just want you to know we forgive you but we won't forget this" James said while opening his arms. Inviting me for a hug. So quickly took my chance after years of not seeing these lot this was all I needed.

"Oi Oi James don't forget you have a wife back home so don't be getting ready to bang some slut!" Somebody that was obviously under the influence of alcohol said. "Shut it ben" Danny yelled back. "No no no no, don't let him see me please." I begged James. "So what's the lasses name" ben yelled, I could tell by his voice that he was getting nearer. "Laura!" Danny said back. For fuck sake why Danny, why?. "What!" Ben said I could tell he was shocked ben just let go of me and patted my shoulder and gave me the you will be alright look. "You heard I said Laura" Danny repeated.

So Ben came up to me and crouched to he could see my face he had a stupid look in his face like a detective which made me giggle. For some reason me giggle put a smile in his face. "Been a while don't you think" ben said standing up straight. "Listen ben, I don't to speak to you while I'm drunk" I said even though I felt normal I knew it would be a bad idea. As thows words escaped my lips his smile dropped and he walked away not even trying to argue it even saying sorry. Which I do think it's for the best but also hurt a little. "I'll go stay with him" Danny sighed while walking toward him. "Are you going to speak to him when your not drunk" sam asked looking a bit concerned. "I don't know I need to think about it before I decide owt." I said while walking towards my bus.

I decided to Skype Victoria while laying in my bunk. She answered the looking bored. "Hello" she said while smiling. "Hey" I replied. "Let me guess you just bumped Into the boys and ben and don't know what to do" she said not looking surprised at all "let me guess Danny told you" I shot back while smiling. "Yep, and before you start I'm not helping you. Figure it out yourself it will come to you but don't force what you want to say" she said "but I can't, you...." "know you better then anyone else which is why I'm saying this now babe just trust me anyway I need some sleep goodnight" she said while ending the call

Now what do I do u could try messaging bens sister she still speaks to me or I could leave it until tomorrow. I climbed out of my bunk and decided to change into some pjs and clean the makeup off my face it might make me feel better. After I did that I climbed back into my bunk and drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~end of chapter~~~~~~~~~~

Hey I'm trying to get as many chapters out as possible I'm sorry that there coming slowly it's just I'm starting back at school again soon so I'm trying to sort things out for that.
Anyway if your enjoying this story so far please make sure to vote and comment and follow me everything is much appreciated and I don't take it for granted I decide to start writing because it helped with depression and stuff like that. Thank you ❤️

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