Chapter 12

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Photo- andy and Juliet

I woke up this morning to somebody shaking me lightly but just enough to wake me up. I sat up quickly which caused me to hit my head in the bunk.

"You alright" Somebody said I could tell by the voice it was andy.

"No it hurt" I said giggling. While andy helped me out of my bunk.

"We have sound check in an hour and then after that we have a show."andy said while giving me a smile.

We walked into the main area and there manger was on the bus talking with Ashley and cc. He signaled for me to come over so I obeyed
and sat down next to him.

"Laura, I wanted to discuss how much you will be getting paid. I was thinking 150 per show since you won't be doing every show you will be photographing about 3 shows a week so that will calculate to £450, we do have other photographers. You might be asked to help sell merch and the rule with that is whatever tips you get you keep. If you do get asked to sell merch it will probably be from different bands. I'll will give you a time table if the shows your photographing. Is that alright" there manager said

"Yes that's absolutely fine!" I said in excitement

2 hours later.
The set that bvb was playing had just came to an end it took ages to explain to the security guard that I was one of there photographers so andy eventually came over. Even thow I had my pass apparently I was two small to be a photographer which annoyed me. I lost a bet which had resulted in me having to buy AA and bvb food which is annoying. But I agreed since McDonald's wasn't that far away so I grabbed my skateboard and Annie did the same.

After we collected the food we headed to AA bus to drop off there food to find all the boys already in there. So I gave them all there food then headed off to the bus I'm staying on. I heard loads of giggling coming from the back longe so me and Annie headed over there. We opened the door to find Juliet, Melody and Victoria all drinking and laughing

"And what do u you three think your doing without us" me and Annie questioned looking offended.

"Drinking, talking, ooooo food" Victoria yelled while attacking the food in mine and Annie's arms. Which failed because she was very intoxicated.

"Gimme gimme" juliet said with her arms stretched out. I handed her what she asked me to get then I passed Melody hers.

"Oh Victoria I think we forgot yours oh well" I said giggling. She quickly tackled me until she had her food.

"Do u guys want to join girly time" Melody said being the least drunk.

"Sure why not" I replied as me and Annie sat on the floor.

We had been drinking for about two hours now. There was music playing in the back ground that we were all dancing to. Then someone somewhere began playing and I sung my heart out which made the girls laugh. Victoria filmed it and put it in her Instagram. Once the song finished all the boys in black veil brides came onto the bus. Andy immediately attacked Juliet's lips and then something that I really didn't expect to happen. Ashley began making out with Melody.

"Oi Oi! She had a child you know" I yelled as Ashley stopped.

"Yes her child is called lyric jade purdy" Ashley said beginning to laugh.

"Wait are you telling me that you two have a kid" I said in disbelief. No way was she with Ashley.

"Yep we're engaged" Melody said showing me the ring. How am I so dumb anyone could of seen that from a mile away.

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