Chapter 17

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Last night me and Ben decided to go back to the bus keeping it secret from everyone. It felt so nice being back in his arms I decided that me and him should take it slow number one so I can ease back into things and number two so that we wouldn't raise any suspicion.

I woke to her Danny and Ben mumbling in the main area which shocked me a little.

//Danny's POV

"Ben I'm serious" I said getting rather annoyed at the fact ben couldn't take anything seriously.

"Well she cant live here on the bus for starters her and Melody need to head back for little lyrics sake" ben mumbled

Every time I bring Victoria on tour I always end up arguing with ben over the fact I want her to stay but I can't help it.

"At least think about it" I said slouching back in my seat

"Daniel Robert cheer up you will see me in about three months after I go and it will fly by" Victoria said exiting the bunk area with Laura just behind by a few steps.

"You make it sound so easy though" as I said that my head dropped

// Laura's POV

me and Ben  both shot each other a look as if to say that we should leave the both of them alone. We both headed to the back lounge where my suitcase and makeup was currently staying.

Once ben had walked in he closed the door slowly so it wouldn't slam causing people to wake up. Once he was done with that he smashed his lips against mine tangling his hands in my hair.

Once my breath had ran out I pulled away for air Looking him in his eyes. I missed his eye they spoke a thousand words without even saying one. He gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

Once we where done being all lovey dovey ben went and sat down switch on the tv making sure that naruto was gonna be on whilst I headed for my suitcase.

I opened it up making sure to make a mess as usual.  I grabbed my black skinny jeans with rips at the knees and a pink cropped pastel hoodie.

I quickly changed not caring that ben was sat only a couple of feet once I was done I grabbed my mirror from out of my bag and began applying my makeup like I do everyday.

"It fascinates me" ben said looking at me through the mirror. I looked at him with utter confusion.

"What fascinates you" I said Un wrinkling my eyebrows.

"The fact that girls cake there faces with shit" Ben said sighing

"Yeah but it feels better with it on" I said doing the finishing touches

"You look much better without it" ben muttered under his breath

I rolled my eyes and then tied my hair up into space buns making sure To leave a few bits hanging down.

Once I was done I made sure to clear all my shit up so it looked like I had never even been in this room.

Once I had finished I turned around to see Ben standing up right in front of me. He began to lean in but I quickly took a step back

"My lipstick hasn't set yet babe" I said giggling

Ben just rolled is eyes and then immediately sat down as he heard someone approaching the door.

The door opened revealing Melody sobbing her heart out. I immediately rushed over to her. As I did this I noticed that there where no longer anyone on the bus. I sat Melody down trying to calm her which was actually working.

"What happened" I questioned once she stopped crying

"Ashley cheated on me" she said sobbing some more

"Oh babes you could do much better" I said as ben stood up walking off the bus.

Once he was off the bus Melody began getting sleepy so I laid her down on the couch and placed a blanket on her.

Once I had done that I slid the door shut and began walking over to the bvb bus. As I got closer I saw Danny keeping Victoria away from Ashley who was stood there looking depressed.

While everyone was distracted I took this as an opportunity to get to Ashley I sent Victoria a look to tell her what to do do she began acting worse which resulted in Danny and Ben taking her onto the bus.

Once everyone was inside the bus I began walking up to Ashley slowly.

"You know ash your the last person I would expect that from" I sighed standing in front of him.

"Just hit me and get it over with" Ashley said while his voice was breaking

"I'm not gonna do that because I can already see your tormenting yourself just remember you have a kid with that woman" I sighed walking onto black veil brides bus

Once I entered I saw Danny calming down Victoria while everyone else was sat clenching fists and that.

"I don't get why you all look pissed what will hurt him more is you being nice to him or completely ignoring him" I sighed sitting down next to Juliet

"I'm taking her home tonight" Victoria spoke up.

"Good idea just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid" I sighed heading to melody's suitcase.

I began gathering all her things and packing it as neatly as I could manage I probably forgot I few things but I'm sure she will let me know. I headed back to my bus with Victoria behind me.

"Danny's upset" she sighed

"He will get over it he just needs to understand that this is what's best for Melody." I reassured her.

Once we got in Victoria grabbed her suitcase and packed up while I woke up Melody.

Since they only lived in the next town the decided to get an Uber back. Victoria said goodbye to Danny then left.

We all decided to have a mini party to end a shitty day on a good note

——————end of chapter——————

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