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a few weeks later*

todays the day where all saying goodbye again, me and Ben decided that we should just stay as friends since long distance relantionships never really work out, it hurt a little bit and since we decided that we haven't even spoken so it more like strangers again.

"ben have u seen my toothbrush" Danny yelled across the bus as we all where running around packing.

"yes because you know I have this secret shrine of things like locks of your hair and shit" ben said sarcastically

"that's where all my hairs going" danny said acting shocked

" that's just old age Danny" James yelled

since I had already packed I decide to step outside the bus for a minute since I was getting emotional. this band are literally like a family to me but both times we have gotten close it has to come to an end I'm assuming that once where off tour they will forget about me. o got so lost in thought I didn't even realise someone came and sat next to me.

"you okay?" it was Ben

" yeah just cant believe tour is already over I've had such a good time." I sighed

"you do know your a shit lier and your crying, what's really wrong" he asked looking concerned

"I love you all but what if you forget about me again, I never forgot about any of you I still fucking love you for crying out loud" I began ranting to be shut up by Ben kissing me

It was filled with many mixed emotions like anger and lust and excitement. I took his lips off mine with tear filled eyes.

"I love you too, I never ever forgot about you and I never will unless I take some serious brain damage" he said trying to turn it into a joke. "Move in with me" he then added

"I can't" I sighed. I had a job and friends where I live I couldn't abandon them just like.

"I though so" Ben sighed angrily "the problem is fucking you, you won't do anything to make us not forget you. You left with not even a text now your back being all lovey dovey but bet once your off this tour you will go back to living your life making no effort to stay in contact" he said standing up causing me to look shocked

"I'm sorry I have a job, a house, friends I'm not just going to ditch the life I have made myself for you" I screamed at him also standing up

"Oh fuck off, when you packed up and left the first time you had a house, friends, a job and fucking family but you didn't let that fucking stop you the first time around" he said getting closer to me causing me to take a step back.

"Do u know what fuck you, I'm glad I fuckin left then saved me getting stuck with you for longer. Do u realise all that place had was mostly bad memories it wasn't just you I was ditching it was the memories that place brought it was to have a fresh start. And do you know what it was a fresh start, I managed to get a better job and better friends, friends that didn't know the bad things that happened to me. Friends that didn't hang there heads in shame the only bad thing that's fucking happened since I moved away was a car accident and do you know who I asked for when I woke up in hospital. You Ben I asked for you the hospital rang you and you where to fucking busy to see me." I screamed going to hit him. Only for him to pin my hands against the bus. "Get off me"

"Are you serious why the fuck would I want to drop everything to see a little bitch like you in hospital I wish that car hit you harder so I wouldn't have to stand here screaming at you to get it through you thick head that where not the bad people" he screamed at me while his grip got harder.

By this point most people were off there busses but nobody bothered to but in and stop either him or me. People could clearly see he was hurting me.

"Ben your hurting me" I screamed at him, he didn't move at all his grip just carried in getting tighter.

"Not anywhere near the amount that you hurt me or the rest of the lads. I hope you fucking happy. This time when you leave make sure it's for good" he said in a slightly lower tone as he let go and walked back on to his bus causing me to collapse to the floor.

I sat there saying nothing but loudly sobbing to myself while looking at my wrist that hurt due to bens grip. I noticed Sam talking to Annie which resulted in him getting a slap as she walked over to me. She didn't speak she just hugged me until I stopped sobbing. By now people where finally starting to ask if I was okay and going to there busses.

When I had stopped me and Annie went and got my stuff from the AA bus. Nobody said anything to me once I got back inside everyone was dead silent apart from the sobs coming from the back which where clearly from Ben.

"Laura?" Danny whispered causing me to look at him "fair enough the way you both just where wasn't right but both of You had valid points. I will say though he should have hurt you like him but you yourself are no better we forgive you but I don't think ben is fully over it. Can you go back there and see if he's alright" Danny asked as I just nodded. Annie went and sat down apologising to Sam for slapping him as I went into the back.

He was sat there his laptop open for with a photo from when me and him went ice skating. I remember that day so well.

"Can you remember how many times I fell flat on my face" I said causing him to realise I was in the room.

"You didn't manage to stay on your feet for more then a minute" he smiled patting the spot next to him.

"Hey I managed to get the hang of it eventually" I said while sitting down.

"We did have a good time though" Ben sighed "we can always do it again" he said looking at me.

"Yeah we could" I said looking at my hands.

"Jesus there already bruising in so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you Laura. I didn't mean to shout either I just got so angry I don't want you to leave again" he sighed taking my hand.

"It's fine Ben I shouted to and I hurt you to just not physically but mentally." I said cuddling up into his side.

"Where do u live?" He asked

"In LA" I answered

"Then how come I have never ran into u in town?" He asked looking confused

"What do u mean Ben you live in England" I said now also looking confused

"I do now I live in la, I told you we al moved to America" he said chuckling slightly

"I must just be good at hiding." I shrugged off.

After our little conversation the bus driver notified us that we where now at the airport. I did a quick double check making sure I had Remembered everything. We all headed towards our plane and began saying goodbye as we where all gonna be sat away from one another.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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