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"I know you want me, just give in. Let everything go, and let me take care of you" He whispers as his lips press against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. " Stop fighting Marlana, just let it happen."

I want to so badly. My thoughts are interrupted as his hand slides up my thigh. "S-seth." I moan out.

"Yes?" He questions as I feel my body react to his touch. "Tell me what you want."

"Y-you." I whisper. I feel his hot breath on my neck as he deeply chuckles.

"What do you want me to do to you, Marlana" His trailing fingers wander more. "A closed mouth doesn't get fed."

He knows what he's doing and it's driving me crazy. "Seth Please." I plead.

His lips attack to my neck once more. "Please what?"

"Touch me." My breathing hitches as he bites down on my collarbone.

"As you wish darlin'." 

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