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Today I have my meeting with Bill for my WWE contract signing and I am excited yet nervous. I walk in and escorted to the correct office. "Ah, Marlana! Great to see you!" Bill says as he shakes my hand. "Please, take a seat." I do as requested and wait for him to continue.

"I just want to go ahead and say thank you very much for choosing me, I know there are a lot of talent trying to get here which is why I did my absolute best in my tryout. "

"No thanks needed, we've been watching you for quite some time and we are proud to bring you along and be apart of our company. Now we just need to get you to sign and go over a couple of things and then I'll have one of our fellow superstars show you around."

"Sounds great."

I had just finalized the paperwork when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Bill states and in walks Candice Larae. I am starstruck. "Oh yes Candice! Marlana, Candice will be giving you a tour today and help you get everything started. Candice, this is Marlana, and Marlana, Candice." I stand up and shake her hand. "It's such an honor to meet you, I'm a huge fan."

"Thank you so much, I am a fan of yours as well. Now, shall we get started?"

"Yes absolutely." I turn to shake Bill's hand a grab my paperwork. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and it will be a pleasure to work alongside you."

"The pleasure is all mine Ms. Nicole. See you soon." I follow Candice out of the room and we go back into the Performance center where we see multiple people in their training.

"Hey everyone, can I have your attention?!" Candice announces. "I would like you all to welcome our newest member, Marlana Nicole!" Everyone starts clapping and I bow to them.

"Thank you guys! I look forward to working with you." I nod at them before turning to follow Candice back outside.

Seth's P.O.V

"Thank you guys! I look forward to working with you." She nods and follows Candice outside.

"Bro, they signed Marlana Nicole?" I ask and Dean nods.

"Yeah, she's totally beast in the ring too." Dean adds.

"Let the fun begin." I say with a smirk causing Dean to shake his head and laugh.

Welcome to the WWE, Marlana, I'll be seeing you around.

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