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I hadn't talked to Seth since that day at the performance center. He had texted me he was sorry which wasn't even necessary but I figured it was nothing to worry about. I had just sat down at catering, i was backstage for Monday Night Raw when I saw him walk through the door. His eyes met mine from across the room and he gave me a wink and a smile which made me blush and then he made his way over to me. 

"Marlana." there's just something about the way he says my name...

"Seth." I retort back as he takes a seat next to me. "How are you?" He asks me.

"Pretty good, how about yourself?"

"I'm good. I texted you but you never really said anything back."

"Yeah, I got it but there was no reason for you to apologize. However, I am sorry, for pushing you away and running out without giving you an explanation."

"It's alright, we still gunna train together though?"

"You still want to train with me?"

"Of course, darling." He says and rests his hand on my thigh but I do nothing to remove it. I didn't want. 

"Then, yes, Mr. Rollins." He smiles and rubs my leg. "Good, because I missed you Ms. Nicole."

"Did you now?"

"I did, now tell me, how does it feel to be backstage at Monday Night Raw."


"That good huh?"


Everyone had pretty much cleared out at this point and Seth took my hand in his. "Marlana" he breathed. 


"I-" but he was cut off my none other than Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. "Seth, you ready for our segment man?" Roman asked. 

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

"Go ahead and go Seth. I'll see you soon, for training." I say with a smile. "By the way, it's an honor to meet y'all." I tell Dean and Roman while shaking their hands. 

"The pleasure is ours, Marlana." Roman says.

"Hey maybe we could all train together sometime?" Dean asks.

"That would be awesome! Definitely down for that." 

"Sweet, well see you later, Marlana." Seth says standing up to give me a hug. God he smelt so good.

I smile back and watch the three of them leave but I couldn't help but wonder what Seth wanted to tell me before he was interrupted. 


"You're doing great Marlana. I can't wait for our match wednsday." Candace tells me. 

"Me neither. I'm honored to be facing you. It's a dream come true."

"Based on what we've been doing, I'd say you belong here."

"Thank you. You and your husband are inspirations to me so being here. It's just amazing." 

"Hey, maybe I can get him in here one day to train with you too. We all help around down here and I'm sure he would love to be in the ring with you."

"Oh my gosh, that would be great!"

Alright well, I'll see you around Nicole. Make sure you're ready for wednsday! The debut of Marlana Nicole in WWE NXT!"

"Oh, I'll be ready." She smiles back at me before leaving the performance center and I stand there and take it all in. I still can't believe I'm here.

"So, you and Candace for your debut?" I turn to see Seth standing on the ring, making his way through the ropes. "Yeah. I can't wait. She's amazing." He takes my hands in his again. "You're amazing too." He says and I blush and look down. He clears his throat before speaking again, "So, I saw you standing here taking everything in."

"Yeah. I just can't believe I've made it."

"Start believing because you're here and you deserve to be." He says smiling and looking down at me. "I can't seem to stay away from you Marlana. I want to kiss you." He says and my heart beats fast. "Can I?" He asks and before I can answer, I feel his lips crash with mine.

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