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"Marlana, come quick." Johnny tells me in a rushed tone looking winded.

"What's going on?" I ask worriedly.

"It's Seth. He's destroying everything in his path." He says and I start walking faster.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask and he looks at Candice and they just continue to walk quickly. "Guys, what's wrong with Seth?" I ask again.

That's when we approach the locker room. Everything was broken and destroyed. Dean stands off in the corner and Seth is extremely upset about something. Shards of glass everywhere, chairs strewn across the room, a dent in the lockers from where he obviously punched them. He's turned around, breathing heavily as his shoulders move up and down.

"Seth?" I call out and he whips his head around to meet his eyes with mine. His eyes grow wide and he runs his hand through his hair.

"I told you not to bring her here. Get her out before I do something I regret." He says to Johnny.

"Seth, what is going on?" I ask him but he turns around again.

"Marlana, maybe we should go somewhere and talk." Dean tells me and starts to walk towards me but Seth stops him.

"No." Seth says and they stare at each other.

"Okay, someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on. Now." I say and no one in the room speaks up. "Okay seriously. Someone start talking. The room is trashed, Seth looks like he's about to kill someone and Dean looks like he's scared to move towards me so what the fuck is going on?" I start yelling and Seth turns toward me.

"Marlie, calm down, please. I can't have you stressed out with the baby." Seth tells me.

"Then tell me what is going on." I plead and everyone stares at me.

"Okay I'm getting sick of the stares.  Someone needs to tell me right now or I'll find out myself."

"Maybe we should give them a minute to talk." Candice tells Johnny and he nods and they walk out of the room.

Seth stands in the middle of me and Dean. I don't know what's going on but I had a bad feeling in my stomach.

Just at that moment I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach area and lurched forward clutching my stomach. I scream out in agony and drop to one knee and I feel Seth's arms around me. "Marlana!" He yells. "Are you okay?" He asks and Dean is in front of us, a worried look on his face as well.

"I'm fine. Just caught me by surprise is all." I say before another pain courses through and I become dizzy. The last thing I hear is Seth yelling at Dean to call an ambulance.
I open my eyes and hear a slow beeping next to me. I sit up and groan and that's when I realize I'm connected to an IV and that I'm in the hospital.

Seth walks into the room and his eyes light up when he sees I'm awake. "Hey darlin, how are you feeling?" He asks me and slowly sits down next to me.

"I'm fine. What happened? Oh God. Is the baby okay?"

"Yes, she's fine. The doctor said it was stress and to take it easy."

"Did you say she?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Yeah. I'm sorry the doctor told me."

"We're having a girl?" I ask with tears in my eyes and he nods.

"We are. Let me go let the doctor know you're up so we can get you out of here and in a better bed." He says before he gets up and walks out of the door.

A girl. I'm having a baby girl.
"You sure you are okay?" Seth asks me for the millionth time since we left the hospital.

"Yes but what the hell happened earlier?" He frowns and sighs heavily.

"I overreacted about something and I guess all of the stress and everything we've been dealing with had been building up and I just exploded."

"What made you overreact?" I ask and I see tears form in his eyes. He sniffs and meets his eyes with mine.

"Dean told me that he's leaving after Wrestlemania in April. He isn't renewing his contract. So, I've lost him and Roman. Our brotherhood is broken."

"It's not broken. Just continue to support him wherever he goes. Is renee leaving too?"

"I don't know. It's just been a lot to deal with lately and I just cracked. I didn't want you to see my like that but they brought you to me anyway."

"I'm sorry you're hurting. Next time you get like this, call me or come talk to me. Destroying an entire room like that isn't healthy."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"I'm here for you Seth. For better or for worse." I say and he smiles at me.

"Always and forever, Darlin."

The Architect Of My Heart ( A Seth Rollins Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now