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My alarm blares through the room. I roll over and stop it from giving me a headache. I sit up and run my hands through my hair and rub my eyes and then I hear my phone start to ring. I don't bother looking at the caller ID and answer it. "Hello?"

"Well, looks like someone is finally answering my calls again." Seth says and chuckles.

"I didn't look at the call log so don't feel special."

"Aw, did I wake you up, darlin?" I roll my eyes at him.

"What do you want, Seth?"  I ask clearly annoyed. His back and forth with being nice and an asshole was giving me whiplash.

"I'm outside your apartment."

"At nine in the morning? What, are you stalking me now?"

"Nope. Just persistent. Get dressed, we're going out."

"I can't."

"So, I drove all the way over here for nothing?"

"I didn't tell you to do that."

"Well I did, now cancel your plans."


"Marlana I swear I will come in there."

"Seth I have plans. Why don't you go fuck your little girlfriend again?"

After that sentence I hear pounding on my door. I roll my eyes and get up from my bed and go to open the door. He's standing there in black jeans, a black and brave wrestling t-shirt and his arms are crossed while his hair is down and wet. My eyes meet his and it's like he stares straight into my soul. "Could you be any louder?" I ask him and he pushes past me into my apartment. He looks around, hands stuffed in his pockets. His muscles defined in the tight shirt he's wearing. He noticed me and starts smirking. "See something you like?" He asks and backs be into a wall, both his hands placed on either side of my head. He places a kiss to my jaw. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He asks and he lifts one leg up and wraps it around my waist. He presses his lips to mine hard and hungry, full of lust. "Just wait, I know you want me and I know I'll get you." He says before walking out of my apartment and gets into his car and driving off.

Seth Fucking Rollins...

"Hey girl, sorry I'm late." i tell Candace as I step into the ring ready to train.

"It's alright. I was a few minutes late myself but I have a surprise for you." She says. "Come on out babe!"

My inner fan girl is screaming right now. Johnny Gargano was walking towards me. "Marlana!" He says with a huge smile and shakes my head. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine."

" You ladies mind if I train with you today?"

"I don't have a problem with it and I know marlana has been wanting to work with you for a while." Candace says.

"She's right." I say and he laughs.

"Well let's get to it then!" He says and we all laugh.

Being able to train with a wrestling power couple was an experience I'd never thought I'd get. They were both extremely talented and have both given me some advice and moves that I will take me to move forward in my career and in life.

"So babe, give us your input on her and Rollins situation." Candace tells him and he shakes his head. "I don't think I would be of any help. I was never like that with Candace. Then again, Candace wasn't like you. It's difficult to help especially since I don't want to hurt your feelings."

"It's okay, I understand." I hear a door close and Johnny laughs. "Speak of the devil." I turn around and see Seth making his way into the ring, getting ready to train.

"We'll see you around, Marlana. Hopefully we can do this more often." Johnny says and I nod My head excitedly before waving them off. I turn to look in the ring where Seth was running the ropes. He has headphones in with his phone in a workout sleeve on his arm. Sweat already pouring down his body. He then starts to bump and I watch him for a few minutes before going up and standing on the apron of the ring. He sits up and notices me. Taking his headphones up and gets up smiling at me.

"Well, hey there, darlin." He says with a smirk.

"Hey." I say and he continues to state at me and that's when I realized that I have been selfish. We weren't even together when he had the lady in his room and we aren't even together now so I really had no reason to be mad at him. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asks and I make my way in the ring and take his hands in mine.

"I never really got the chance to apologize to you for overreacting. We're not even together so when you were with that girl you technically didn't do anything wrong. I'm also sorry for slapping you and ignoring you and saying things I shouldn't have."

He brings his hand up to my cheek and presses his lips to mine. The kiss grows heated and he runs his hand down to squeeze my butt, gasping, he then sticks his tongue in my mouth, both of our tongues battling for dominance. We pull away and he rests his forehead on mine. When our breathing regulates he begins talking. "So, you're saying you want to be my girl?" He asks and I nod. He kisses me once again and smirks and pulls away.

"Sorry, darlin. I think its best if we just stay friends." He says and rolls out of the ring.

I don't know what game he's playing, but if he wants to play hard to get, I'm game. Be careful what you wish for, Seth.

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