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Today was the day that I have been looking forward to for a very long time. Today was my tryout for the WWE performance center. I have been waiting for what seems like an eternity to get here and I am about to give them my all. This was an experience I knew I would never forget. I am super nervous but mostly excited.

"You ready to get started Ms. Nicole?" One of the trainers asked me.

"Yes, and please, call me Marlana." I said with a smile which the young trainer had returned. "Alright then Marlana, let's get to it."

I had done wrestling training for years but what I just went through was possibly the most painful I have ever endured, but this is the WWE they only hire the best. I decided to take an ice bath to smooth my muscles back home while I awaited to hear the verdict of my tryout. I believe in myself but there is always a piece of me that thinks I'm not good enough, I just hope I get the call saying I get a contract.

The next morning I woke up, did my normal workout routine, trying to take my mind off of the final decision for my tryout. I really really hope I get it. My phone rings and brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, is this Marlana Nicole?" The voice asks me.

"Yes it is."

"Lovely to meet you Marlana, this is Bill from the wwe performance center, your tryout was one we haven't really seen before, we definitely can tell that you have the motivation and passion to be here, so we would like to offer you a WWE contract, you will start as a part of the NXT roster and make your way up. We would love for you to come in and meet with us to get everything settled."

"Yes, absolutely! Thank you! When should we meet?"

"How about tomorrow morning? 10 am."

"Ill be there, thank you Bill."

"We look forward to seeing you and working with you in the future. See you tomorrow Ms Nicole."


It's happening. I've made it.

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