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3 days til NXT Takeover/Summerslam weekend....

Seth's P.O.V
She's been acting weird for days. I don't know who this Kai person is but apparently she affected Marlana deeply. 

Right now she was sat across from me picking at her half eaten salad. Her mind is somewhere else and I just wish I knew what to do. How to help. She's so distant. I know we've barely been together but I feel like I know her so well but apparently not. I haven't really tried to pry into getting her to tell me what happened. I just hate seeing her like this. 

"Not hungry?" I ask her and she snaps her head up.

"Uh no not really. I've just been exhausted lately." Her small voice tells me. I take my hand and lay it on hers.

"You know I'm here for you right? I mean I don't know what exactly is happening but I just hate seeing you like this."

"I know but this is just something I need to handle on my own." She says and walks out of the restaraunt.

Marlana's P.O.V

"You need to leave me alone, Kai."

"Oh come on Marlana, you know you're life is boring without me." Her sinister voice tells me.

"You are only contacting me now because you know I've made it big and are out for money."

"Honey I don't care about money. I told you I would make your life a living hell."

"We haven't spoken in YEARS. Why now?"

"Isn't it obvious sunshine? You have you dream job and now the dream boyfriend and well it pains me to see you happy."

"Will you please just leave me alone? I'll do anything you want."


"Yes! Just get out of my life."

"Fine. You just have to do one thing."


"You have to break your pretty boyfriend's heart."

My heart dropped to my stomach. No. I can't. Not him. "And what if I don't?"

"You don't want to find out." She smirks and gets in her car speeding off.

So much for living my dream life...

This is going to hurt.

2 days until takeover/summerslam weekend...

I've been avoiding Seth since I left the restaurant. He's been trying to contact me but I've just ignored him. This hurts so bad. I just want to be happy. Why did she have to come back? Everything was going great.

I was at the performance center running the ropes in the ring. I always come here to clear my mind. The ring always stay grounded.

I heard the door close and heard footsteps coming towards the ring. "I figured I'd find you here." He climbs up on the apron and stands there looking at me.

"Seth now isn't the time." He nods his head and makes his way into the ring. He stands in front of me with his arms crossed and looks down. "And when is the time?"

"I don't know." He nods his head at me again. "So, you avoid me and ignore me and I get no kind of explanation. Marlana I'm trying to help you but you refuse to let me in." His voice raising a little.

"Well I didn't ask for your help did I?"

"You didn't have to. I could tell you were struggling and that something was bothering you and as your boyfriend I care for you and I hate to see you like this."

He takes another step forward and cups my face in his hands. Marlana, I love you."

"No. You can't."

"I do."

"No Seth you can't. I'm not capable of being loved."

"That's not true."

"It is." His eyes grow sadder the more I turn him down.


"I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore." I say and exit the ring and the performance center as fast as I could and all I could hear was him calling after me.

The Architect Of My Heart ( A Seth Rollins Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now