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#Sethlana trending #1 on twitter

My head was spinning, there was only one person who would have leaked this, Dolph.

I drunkenly told him I married Seth after he confessed his love for me. I know he's hurting but to leak this?  I can't believe him.

I walked into the living room where I saw Seth playing his game. "Hey babe?" I call put to him and he pauses the game and stands up. "Have you seen this?" I ask him, handing him my phone.

He takes my phone and starts reading it, I watch as his eyebrows scrunch together and then his eyes fill with sadness?

"Who did this?  Marlie I'm sorry,  I know you wanted this on the down low."

"It's fine, but I think I may know who did it." I say as he hands my phone back.

"Who?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dolph. When he confessed his love for me I told him that he was too late because we got married and then the next morning this is posted?"

Seth closes his eyes and nods. I can tell he's upset, his whole demeanor has changed. He sits down on the couch, clinching his fists together. "I know it was stupid of me to say something and to keep this secret."

"Marlie, I'm not mad at you. I was respecting your decision about keeping it on the down low but Dolph gets under my skin and it's obvious he isn't going to back down. You're my wife and he isn't going to take you away from me. Unless you want to, I mean I can't stop you and we can get this annulled." He says looking away from my eyes.

"You're not serious? Seth, I love YOU. I married YOU. But if that's what you think of me then maybe I should leave." I tell him and then storm off to our room to pack some bags.

"Marlana, stop, I'm sorry I didn't mean it." He says grabbing my arm softly. "Please don't go." He whispers in my ear.

"That really hurt my feelings Seth and if that's what our marriage will be like then I want no part of it." I remove myself from his grip and go to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.

"Marlie, open the door." He says knocking on the door. "Look, you're right, this isn't what our marriage needs to be like. I overreacted and I'm sorry. I guess I just felt threatened by Dolph because I don't want to lose you. You're my everything, my best friend and you've made me a better person. I was just scared."

I unlock the door and open it, he was standing on the other side. His head resting on his forearm that was against the wall. "Why didn't you just tell me that instead of just trying to run away?"

"I'm stupid, what can I say?" He says with a chuckle which makes me giggle as well.

"You're not going to lose me, I don't even have feelings for Dolph."

"I'm so sorry baby." He says resting his forehead against mine. "So sorry." He whispers, I press my lips against his.

"Just don't do it again okay?" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Okay." I walk over to unpack my bags and he walks over and wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm hotter right?" He asks and I laugh then nod. "Good." He says pressing his lips to my temple.

"Now, since everyone knows, why don't we have the ceremony?  I know you wanted one." He tells me and I smile and bite my lip.

"Thank you!!" He laughs and kisses me again. "I really did love our secret wedding though.

"I know you did baby, I know you did."

The Architect Of My Heart ( A Seth Rollins Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now