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"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask Seth while we lay in our bed. He doesn't say anything, he just pulls my lips to his. I pull on his shirt to being him closer to me. His kiss gets harder and I can tell he wants more but he's hesitant. I try and bring him closer, bringing my leg up between his, trying to tell him what I want.

He release my lips and turns away. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask him and he turns back towards me.

"No darlin." He says with a weak smile.

"Then what's wrong?" I look at him and he sits up on the bed.

"Nothing baby." He kisses my forehead.

"Are you no longer interested in me like that? I mean if I knew getting pregnant would have made you act like this then I-"

"It's not that darlin. I swear. You are still as beautiful to me as the day we met."

"Seth you haven't touched me since we found out I was pregnant."

"I know." He gets up and walks over to the dresser. "I just don't want to hurt you." I crawl out of the bed and walk up to him and wrap my arms around him and look in the mirror.

"You won't." I tell him and his eyes leave from mine in the mirror and look down. He laces his fingers with mine and sighs. "Come on." I whisper and take his hand, leading him back to the bed.

I lay down and watch him as he crawls up towards me and places his lips to mine. "I'll go slow." He whispers and I nod.

He then proceeds to press his lips to my neck and I gasp out loud. He continues down to my collarbone and down to my nipples. He starts sucking and so I take the opportunity to slide my hand in his pants and wrap my hand around him. He lifts his head up and smirks at me before kissing me again. He stands up, removing his boxers and shorts, and hovering over me once again.

"Look at me Marlie." He says and I do while he slow inserts himself in me. I gasp and adjust to him since it has been a while.

"Please go faster." I whisper and he looks down at me, uncertain.

"Marlana are you sure?"

"Yes. Please seth." He picks up speed and wraps his arms behind my hand.

"You feel so good Marlie." He groans. He places his lips to my neck again.

"Oh my God seth." I moan grabbing and pulling onto his hair.

"Marlie I'm not gunna last long if you keep doing that." He says and I laugh against his neck and pull his hair hard.

"I'm not gunna last long either Seth. I feel it building now. Don't fucking stop." I whisper in his ear and he thrusts faster and faster until we both cum. He pulls out and lays next to me.

"I told you, you wouldn't hurt me." I say as I regain my breathing. Seth laughs and nods.

"I know. I just get worried."

"I know you do but you're not married to a weak bitch." He laughs out loud and pulls me close to him.

"I know baby. I know."

"I love you Seth."

"I love you Marlie."

The Architect Of My Heart ( A Seth Rollins Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now