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The next morning I woke up, still laying on Seth's bare chest. I still can't believe what happened yesterday. I still can't believe be chose me and came back. Of all the women in the world, he chooses me.

I feel lips press to my forehead and I smile and look up to him.

"Good morning beautiful." He says to me. I look into his beautiful brown eyes and lean up to press my lips to his.

"Morning. You hungry? I can make us something to eat.

"Sure but first, come back here." He says, grabbing my arm and I crawl back towards him, straddling his waist. "You're really gunna make hard to get up when you sit on me like that darlin." He says with a smirk and I roll my eyes before leaving down to give him a kiss.

"You don't know how much you mean to me." He says in a voice just above a whisper. My heart melts at his words.

"I'm nobody though. You could have anyone in the world."

"And I chose you darlin." He says and I smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."
Tonight was the night of my main roster debut for Monday Night Raw and I was super nervous.

I was sitting in catering waiting for Seth when Candace walked up to me. "I missed you so much marlana!" She says giving me a hug.

"I missed you too and thank you for helping me. It was a really hard time."

"Anytime. So, how are you and Seth?" She asks me and that's when I saw him enter the room in his "Monday night rollins" shirt on looking amazing as ever. I turn my attention back to Candace. "We're great." I say with a huge smile.

"Something tells me there are some juicy details I need filled in on." She says and I laugh and Seth spots me.

"Maybe later." I whisper and Seth sits down next to me, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Hey darlin, Hey candace."

"Hey seth, Marlana we'll talk later okay?" I nod and wave to her as she leaves.

"What was that about? He asks before taking a bite of his good.

"Girl stuff." I say and he nods. I grab a hold of his arm and lay my head against his shoulder. He looks down at me and smiles before giving me a kiss on my hair.

"You ready for tonight?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes but I'm nervous."

"Don't be baby, you'll be great." He finished his good and pecks my lips. "Look at you, PDA and all and you dont care, before you would have freaked out."

"I know but I'm not taking this for granted anymore and I don't care what anyone says any more as long as I have you." He moves his arm to wrap it around my waist and pull me closer.

"I told you everything would work out."

"I know." I look up at him. Watching him as he people watched the room. "You make me so happy."

He looks down and presses his soft lips to mine. "Good, I'm glad." He says as we pull away. We stand up and make our way to the locker rooms. "You will do great tonight darlin and tonight we'll celebrate." He says while winking.

"Hey Rollins! Come on we gotta go over the match!" Ambrose yells.

I laugh and press my lips to his again. "I think that's your cue."

"It is, ill see you later tonight baby. Good luck and tear it down."

"I will and you go and burn it down." He smiles at winks at me.

"Always darlin, always."

He walks off and I walk into the locker room and see my gear.

"Let's get this show on the road. The Most Motivational Woman in Professional Wrestling is at Monday night raw and they will never forget my name.

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