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"So, why did you do it Ziggler?" I ask him furiously, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Why was it a big deal to keep it a secret? Aren't you proud to be with him?" He remarks.

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes I am proud to be with him." I roll my eyes at him and huff.

"Whatever you say Marlana. You know you want me, I don't know why you try and hide it."

"If I wanted you, you would have me but I chose him and you need to get over it!"

He grabs my face and kisses me and I shove him off. "Okay, that's it! Quit kissing my wife!" I hear Seth yell, he must have walked up when it happened.

"Oh she doesn't know what she wants! She's just blinded by you!" Dolph screams at Seth.

"Dude! If she wanted you, she would have chose you. Stop treating her like she doesn't know how to make her own decisions. She's a grown womam, she doesn't need men like you treating her like this!"

"Oh and you deserve her?" Dolph asks, lowering his voice and Seth stops suddenly, his chest slowing down from the yelling.

"Of course I don't deserve her, but she chose me and now I will spend everyday of the rest of my life proving to her that I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy."

They both stop and stare each other down. They exchange looks between themselves and some glances towards my direction.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I won't interfere anymore. I hope you guys have a happy marriage." Dolph says and then walks off. Seth let's a huge breath out that he was holding in and sits down on the bench in my locker room.

"Do you really believe that you don't deserve me?" I ask quietly and Seth lifts his head up to reach his eyes to lock onto mine.

"Yes. I wish I could be half the person you are. I don't deserve your love but I am happy that you chose me. I'm honored to be your husband and I can't wait for our ceremony."

"I love you, Seth. You'll always be more than I can ever imagine. I'm so happy you wanted me to be your wife. Our wedding is gunna be so beautiful."

"I love you too, Marlie. Always and forever."

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