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Pregnancy is kicking my ass. All I do is  cry and puke. Its worse when Seth's gone.

He had got a big tour bus and had me move into it with him so he could be here more to protect me.

Sometimes it gets to be too much and I break down. Just like right now.

All I can do is cry and I wish he was here but he isn't home for another 2 days.

I sit on the floor and just cry. I can't do this. I'm terrified. I dont know how to be a mother and I'm scared I'll turn out to be like mine.

"Marlie?" I snap my head up to see Seth in the door way. I quickly stand up and wipe my tears.

"S-seth I thought you weren't back for a few days. What are you doing here?" I ask him and his eyebrows are furrowed and I can tell he's worried.

"I came back early to surprise you. Why were you crying?"

"Pregnancy hormones." I say with a fake laugh and he takes my face in his hands. He brings his head down to press his lips softly against mine.

"Are you okay?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "What is it darlin?"

"Seth, I'm so scared. I dont think I can do this."

"Of course you can darlin. You're the strongest woman I know."

"I don't want to fail. I don't want to become my mother."

"Come here." He says and he walks me to the bed. "You're already a way better person than she was. You are extremely successful at such a young age and the fact that you will pass that on to our daughter is amazing. I admire that. You are such an empowering woman and a role model. I love you."

Of course I start crying again and he wipes my tears. "I love you Seth. I'm just ready to push this baby out." He laughs and presses a kiss to my head.

"I know you are darlin."
Seth's P.O.V
"Hey man, you alright?" I turn my head to find Dean standing there.

"Fine." I say to him before punching the bag again.

"Seth, we need to talk." He tells me and I huff out a loud sigh.

"About what Dean?" He walks around and stops the bag, looking at me.

"Cut the shit Seth. Wanna tell me why you're so pissed about me leaving?"

I remove my gloves and throw them in my bag. I turn to face him. "You're my best friend Dean. We're wrestling soul mates. I mean we've been doing this shit together for years! Roman is gone fighting the fight of his life and now you're leaving. I'm gunna be left alone."

"Seth, you're not alone. You have a beautiful wife and you'll be a father soon. I understand you're upset and that this will be hard but do you think I would be making this decision if I felt otherwise? Seth, you're my brother. That will never change but I need your support."

"You sound just like Marlana." I chuckle and he smirks.

"She's a smart woman." He says and I nod.

"So, this will make you happy?" He nods and I nod back. "Then I'll support you wherever you go. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that."

"Thank you brother. Now get back home to your wife."

"Will do."
Marlana's P.O.V

I hear Seth walk in the door. I watch as he hangs his jacket up and lays his keys on the table.

"Hey babe. I hope you're hungry. Dinner is just about done."  I barely get the sentence out before he spins me around and kisses me.  "I love you." He tells me then bends down to kiss my belly. "And I love you."

"Everything okay Seth?" He smiles down at me.

"I'm just grateful. Now, shall we eat?" He takes my hand and leads me to the table.

We both eat in a comfortable silence. "Not that I don't appreciate the mood you're in but what brought this on?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"I talked to Dean. He opened my eyes to things,. He actually sounded like you. Anyways, we're good."

"Well, I'm glad you finally did. I knew it was hurting you."

"Marlana, I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much."

"I love you too baby." I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. He just stares at me and I blush and look away.

"I'm the best version of me when I'm with you. I've become a better person because of you. I don't know how to thank you for that or even pay your back but I promise you that I'll spend everyday for the rest if my life owing myself to you."

I watch as tears slip down his face. He wipes them and looks away. "No. Look at me." I tell him and make him face me. He shakes his head and looks down. "Seth."

"I'm afraid of failing. I don't want to fail at being a husband or a father and I sure as hell don't want to fail at loving you."

His eyes finally reach mine and I can literally see the fear. "You won't."

"I already have, you were raped because I wasn't there for you."

"But you took precautions to keep me safe now. The rape wasn't your fault and you have to believe that or otherwise you will gave that guilt eating you alive for as long as you live. I've been in love with you before I even knew you and then when we did meet we couldn't stay away from each other. You saved me from that mechanic and you're here for me when I need you the most. Don't call yourself a failure because you are so far from it."

"You really believe that?" He asks me.

"Of course I do."

He looks down at me and cups my face and kisses me. "I'm so lucky you chose me to love. I love being your husband."

"And I love being your wife."

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